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While Monsanto executives may be rejoicing behind the closed doors of
their corporate offices, they have also just stabbed themselves in the
heart with the blatant and cocky decision to go through with the
Monsanto Protection Act
after-promising-gmo-labeling-in-2007/> . Obama's social media
profiles are being blown up with thousands of enraged activists and
concerned citizens who are demanding answers.

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Thanks to the alternative news covering every angle of the Protection
Act and the absurd fact that Monsanto actually wrote the rider itself,
people have now come to fully understand just how deep the corruption
goes when it comes to Monsanto's Big Food monopoly. And it
doesn't exempt the President.

It's a well known fact that the Obama family actually eats from the
White House <http://www.whitehouse.gov/>  organic garden which was
planted in 2009
<http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/20/dining/20garden.html?_r=0>  and has
full time staffers who maintain and harvest organic produce that comes
from the garden. Many high level politicians actually refuse
ew-seeds-bigger/>  to eat anything but organic, as they are fully aware
of what's in `conventional', GMO-loaded items. Yet, despite
this knowledge, they are quite eager to push Monsanto's GMOs and
ruthless business model on the citizens of the United States.

And the people are fully aware of the betrayal.

Scanning just a few comments amid the thousands calling out Obama for
his signature on the spending bill that contained the Monsanto
Protection Act, we find seriously frustrated activists and voters who
can't believe what they are seeing. Even many Obama campaigners who
came to the realization that Obama didn't represent what they
thought he did. One specifically mentions how Obama promised to label
GMOs in 2007 <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WveF8YjYEE>  upon taking
the seat of the President. A promise that never came to fruition. In
fact, no real attempts were made at all.

Here are a few comments among the thousands that I found interesting on
Obama's wall <https://www.facebook.com/barackobama?fref=ts> :

    * Darlene Taylor: Barack Obama – 2007: "We'll let folks
know if their food is genetically modified because Americans should
know." 2013: He signed the Monsanto Protection Act making GMO giants
immune to the law.

    * Erica Ecker: Apparently part of protecting our children no longer
includes what goes in them. Thanks for signing the Monsanto Protection

    * Keri Kline: I am an activist for President Obama, and I am outraged
he has failed to listen to the `American people he represents'…
President Obama knowingly signed the Monsanto Protection Act over the
insistence of more than 250,000 Americans who signed an urgent letter
asking that he use his executive authority to veto H.R. 933 and send it
back to Congress to remove the Monsanto Protection Act from the bill.
Regretfully, President Obama failed to live up to his oath to protect
the American people and our constitution.

Overall, the decision to go with such a major act of corruption has jump
started a massive movement to hold politicians and corporations
accountable for their betrayal of the U.S. public. It's a move that
has blown up in the face of those who thought they could slip it through
into law.

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