If true, this is a good storyline: As the Sequester approaches, and Republicans 
finally get to slash the federal budget, half of them are sane enough to 
realize they look like idiots and the other half are too stupid to know they 
*are* idiots. Meanwhile, Democrats appear as responsible adults telling the 
GOP, "No, we are not going to fix your mess." This is Lawrence O'Donnell's take 
on the Sequester. 

I'm skeptical. Simpson-Boles awaits in the wings so I suspect one way or 
another we'er going down the path of austerity. Either way, according to 
Krugman, austerity will only make the economy worse. Now that Obama has the GOP 
on the Sequester ropes, bets on that we'll see another eleventh hour "fiscal 
cliff" drama play out so that Obama gets to be a hero striking the Grand 
Bargain (that he wanted all along) when he pulls the Simpson-Boles rabbit out 
of the hat. Smart politics, yes, but very dumb for the country. Here's the 
article and O'Donnell video:          

"Obama has nothing to lose in the sequester negotiations. He gave the GOP 
everything they asked for, and have been asking for in their rhetoric for 
years. You ask an average Republican voter, they demand to slash government 
spending. The Sequester is just what they've been asking for, and now they are 
fighting it tooth and nail."


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