Read each statement carefully and mark SA=Strong Agree, A=Agree, Strongly 
Disagree=SD, or Disagree=D

1. I have had the distinct experience of having reality alter my own personal 
point of view about something.

2. I recognize there are things about what it means to be a human being inside 
the universe which I will never truly understand. 

3. I am interested in my point of view tracking as much reality as I can take 
in at any given moment.

4. I sometimes like distancing myself from myself and contemplating how I might 
appear to other persons.

5. The only meaningful definition of religion has to entail the acquisition of 
a true, that is, objective, apprehension of what, in an ultimate metaphysical 
sense, is the case.

6. Mystical experiences do not necessarily have a one-to-one correspondence 
with reality.

7. Maharishi was probably wrong when he said no one has to suffer. I have never 
known anyone for whom this is true--including Maharishi himself.

8. I like to conceive of my life as the opportunity to discover everything I 
can about what is determining my point of view about myself and my point of 
view about those things that matter to me.

9. There is definitely a place for sarcasm and irony in the world--a proper, a 
necessary, place.

10. I do not resist the complexity of life where I intuit this complexity is 
making a demand upon me and I seek to incorporate that complexity into my point 
of view.

11. I can laugh at myself. I can respond to a situation where reality shows me 
I was foolish or wrong.

12. I have some notion of what it means to sense the feedback that life or 
reality is giving me over-all in the way I go about living my personal 

13. My point of view is such that I do not have to become a negative person to 
defend it.

14. I have some sensitivity to recognize when I am in the presence of someone 
whose point of view seems to be taking in more reality or truth than my own 
point of view is--at least in a given circumstance. I try to adjust my point of 
view when this happens.

15. I do not knowingly persist in representing a point of view which I have 
already realized is wrong. 

16. In some sense for me life is a miraculous thing.

17. My life is a perpetual movement and discovery and clarification; I do not 
let my point of view become static or petrified.

18. I believe I have known what it is like to be entirely vulnerable and open 
to another human being.

19. I am brave enough to stand up for my sense of truth where not to do so 
would be cowardly.

20. It is probably a dangerous thing to believe one can embody a final truth in 
one's consciousness. Everyone I have met, including myself, has a weakness.

21. I feel I bear a certain responsibility for my actions, and for being the 
conscious author of my own point of view--At least to a significant extent. 

Scoring: 2 points for SA; 1 point for A; 0 for Disagree; -1 for Strongly 
Disagree. Maximal score = 42

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