The Review, Vol. 34, #17, June 12, 2019
Copyright 2019, Maharishi University of Management

Paul Fauerso to Offer Free “Greatest Hits” Concert

One of the most beloved musicians to write and perform songs related to 
Maharishi’s knowledge, Paul Fauerso will offer a free concert on Saturday, June 
15, that will feature highlights from his earlier albums as well as a couple of 
newly recorded songs.

In between songs, Mr. Fauerso will interject stories about his experiences in 
the early days of Maharishi’s activities to bring the Transcendental Meditation 
technique to the world. 

At the urging of his family and others, Mr. Fauerso has recorded for posterity 
a new two-CD album of his greatest hits that will be available for purchase.

Songs from the new album that Mr. Fauerso will be performing will include 
classics such as “Cosmic Consciousness,” “Wholeness on the Move,” “Master of My 
Heart,” “MIU Is Calling You,” and “Keep It Simple.”

His stories will include incidents that inspired various songs, such as “MIU 
Blues” being inspired by a question from Bobby Warren whether there would be 
blues music in the Age of Enlightenment.

Another incident took place when Mr. Fauerso was staying in Vlodrop, The 
Netherlands, where Maharishi was based. He received a call from Maharishi, who 
sang the beginning of a song with the lyrics “manage your world” and asked Mr. 
Fauerso to complete the song.

Mr. Fauerso said Maharishi was directly involved in writing a number of the 
songs and gave him the title “The Minister of Music and Merriment for the Age 
of Enlightenment.”

The new album is a family effort, with liner notes by Mr. Fauerso’s son, Neil, 
and cover art by his daughter, Joey, who is enjoying a career as a noted artist 
and is on campus this month teaching art.

Mr. Fauerso said that the concert may also include surprise guest performers 
well known to everyone.

The free concert will be Saturday, June 15, at 7:45 p.m. in Dalby Hall.

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