Ethicists Update List Of Acceptable Things To Masturbate To
[360]       Experts say the new list would help Americans more
effectively pleasure themselves.
CAMBRIDGE, MA—Unveiling what may be the most comprehensive guide to 
socially responsible self-pleasure ever published, a group of leading 
ethicists released Monday its list of things that are acceptable to 
masturbate to.
The 2011 edition of the Standards and Values in Autoerotic Practices  is
the first revision in 17 years of the venerable reference used to 
determine what images and thoughts are appropriate stimuli for bringing 
oneself to orgasm.

"This list recognizes our changing cultural attitudes and offers an 
ethical framework to address all aspects of the current masturbatory 
climate," said Harvard University philosophy professor Greg Hawkins, the
publication's lead editor. "Now, when pleasuring themselves, Americans 
can determine whether to proceed with a clear conscience, or recoil in 

Many changes reflect new realities posed by the Internet, which was
barely mentioned in the last edition of the SVAP.  For example, the
revised guide declares it "permissible" to reach  climax while perusing
photos from the Facebook profile of a coworker or a  spouse's friend;
however, masturbating to online hidden-camera videos  of a woman using a
tanning bed is deemed "troubling, and unfit for  self-gratification."

Other revisions simply take into account the passage of time, with 
guidelines now declaring it acceptable to "freely touch oneself" when 
thinking about or viewing images of Natalie Portman, a practice that had
been explicitly prohibited under rules written in 1994, when the 
actress was 12 years old.

"And that goes for men and women both, because one of our top 
priorities this time was to eliminate all bias against homosexual 
impulses," Hawkins said of the 2011 edition, which for the first time 
ranks masturbating to a member of the same sex as "entirely ethical." 
"Arousing himself with thoughts of a naked Jon Hamm brushing past him in
a locker room is every man's moral right."

The revised list of onanism-appropriate subjects also includes  friends'
mothers, President Barack Obama, first lady Michelle Obama,  pre- and
post-op transsexuals, the late actor Heath Ledger (with the  firm caveat
that he only be masturbated to as a living person), and Ohio  resident
Adam Clemons, who was in terrible shape back in the '90s, but  has,
according to ethicists, "really pulled himself together nicely."

The new SVAP also resolves a pair of longstanding debates by 
determining that it is weird, but not unethical, to masturbate to one's 
own reflection in a full-length mirror, and that it is also fine to 
masturbate to the mentally challenged—a reversal of previous
guidelines  and an affirmation that all persons may provide erotic
inspiration,  regardless of cognitive capacity.

For the 23rd consecutive edition, masturbating to a litter of newborn
puppies is classified as "wrong, wrong, wrong."

Since its first publication in 1795, which counseled "gentlemen of 
quality to grasp themselves only when moved by the most refined and 
upright appreciation of a woman's figure," Standards and Values in
Autoerotic Practices has  often been accused of being incomplete. Even
after the sexual  revolution of the '60s and '70s, during which the book
quadrupled in  length, many still argue it is still inadequate.

"This new list may be an improvement, but it is still mystifyingly 
silent on such mainstays as nannies, shoes, and the scent of a cousin's 
panties," Amherst College ethicist Joshua McBride said. "Another edition
and another slap in the face to people who enjoy grinding against 
stuffed animals."

However, those whose preferred masturbatory stimulus appeared on the 
list said they were grateful to have the validation they had long 

"You think you're always going to feel like a deviant for rubbing one 
out while you fantasize about being forced to drink your own breast 
milk by your brother-in-law," Phoenix resident Denise Berger said. "But 
then, all of a sudden, you're a decent person. See, it's right there on 
page 296."

The SVAP's editors acknowledged that their endeavor will  likely always
remain unfinished, since people have a near infinite  capacity for
finding new ways to excite themselves while manipulating  their
genitalia for self-pleasure.

"No doubt, another edition will always be required," Professor  Hawkins
said. "The human imagination won't let us rest very long."
"But, honestly, I'm just happy I finally got 'amputee' in there,"
Hawkins added. "You have no idea."

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