Poll: Most say Ft. Hood Shooting a "killing spree" not "act of

Fox Noise Poll: Mixed Views on Calling Ft. Hood Shooting Act of

  49 percent — shooting is most accurately described as "a killing

  44 percent — incident should be called an "act of terrorism."

  Among groups, young people under age 35 see it as a killing spree (61
  percent), but seniors 65 and over are more likely to describe it as
  terrorism (57 percent).

  Democrats are more likely to call it a killing spree (63 percent),
  while Republicans tend to call it terrorism (58 percent).

  Men divide evenly between the two descriptions, while a majority of
  women say the shooting was a killing spree (53 percent) rather than
  terrorism (41 percent)...

  Asked about Hasan's possible motive for the shooting, 45 percent think
  he is someone who just went nuts one day and opened fire, while 38
  percent think he is a Muslim extremist protesting U.S. foreign policy.

  One in 10 thinks it was some of both.


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