> But this is *exactly* the reaction I was trying to
> provoke by spreading a little chum on the waters.

Dear FFL Moderators,

Understanding that `almost anything' goes on FFL I wish to have you to be more 
proactive in protecting the community of FFL and immediately enforce your group 
guidelines about pornographic material posted on FFL.  

Recently material posted so designed to titillate of lewd and provoking nudity 
also of wonton promiscuous behavior has been posted by a certain contributor to 
FFL.  The designed pornographic nature of the series of posts attempting to 
divert, titillate, and derail the usual nature of the high spiritual 
discoursing here.   

 As a conservative meditator I find these pornographic posts completely 
un-spiritual in nature and reckless attempts at inflaming lower un-spiritual 
energies otherwise that could distract people from their spiritual practices.  
Serious in deed.  Act swiftly to protect our status as a yahoo spiritual group. 

Enforce your guidelines about posting pornography to FFL and banish directly 
the perp.  Please.

-D in FF  

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