The depressing thing is that Royal Navy ships have now been told *not* to 
capture Somali pirates as the crew may then claim political asylum in the UK 
with the consequent expense of bringing them back to Britain, housing and 
feeding them, paying their legal expenses as they plead their case in the 
courts, followed by the likelihood they would eventually be allowed to stay in 
the country and thus fuel anti-immigration racism.

 Back in the day when the Royal Navy ruled the waves, pirates were hanged and 
the corpses were coated with tar and left on public display for a year to warn 
others of the consequences. Nasty - but effective!

---In, <jr_esq@...> wrote:

 The British Royal Navy found that playing Britney Spears' songs will do the 
trick.  This is like the voices of sirens in reverse.


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