Invincible America



"There are two values of Bliss: Bliss and Blissful: Being is Bliss; Knowing Being makes Being Blissful -- it makes it more concrete. This is the field of Silence that speaks for its own value -- this is the field you are awakening during your group flying practice."
—Maharishi, speaking to a course participant on Being

Positive News Coverage Goes Around the World

Glowing news coverage of the initial success of the Invincible America Course has gone around the world, including a wonderful story that appeared yesterday in newspapers throughout New Zealand (see below). And even though our Course started just five days ago, there are growing signs of appreciation by the world press for Maharishi’s initiatives to create peace and invincibility for every nation—including Switzerland, where a campaign is now under way to establish a group of 300 Yogic Flyers (see below).

New York Banking Commission Approves
Establishment of the Global Financial Capital

More outstanding news: The State of New York Banking Commission approved yesterday the establishment of the "Global Financial Capital of New York." Maharishi conceived and inaugurated the Global Financial Center two months ago to "eliminate poverty and promote peace and prosperity throughout the world." It will succeed where existing financial institutions have failed, by harnessing the science of Vastu Vidya-- Vedic Architecture in harmony with Natural Law to bring full support of Natural Law and good economic fortune for the nation and the world.

"The Global Financial Capital of New York will crown America with invincibility," said Dr. Paul Potter, the Raja of New York. "The doors will open within a few weeks at our beautiful, east-facing, landmark 70 Broad Street building in New York City."

We congratulate Raja Paul on this marvelous achievement -- and all those who are flying together in Washington and Maharishi Vedic City who have created this wave of coherence for America.

We look forward to escalating good news from America as our Course numbers continue to rise. Watch what happens tomorrow!

Jai Guru Dev

John Hagelin

"Flyers Claim Early Success"

(July 27, 2006) More than 1200 peace-creating yogic flying experts from throughout North America have assembled in Washington, D.C., and in Fairfield, Iowa, to create a positive upsurge in national consciousness and radiate harmony throughout the world.

Organisers claim that after just two days the first signs of the success of the assemblies helped the stock market record one of its largest one-day gains of the year, resulting in headlines such as Wall Street Euphoria and Blissful Shock -- with the only blue chip stock in negative territory being Phillip Morris cigarette company.

Maharishi University’s Science, Technology and Public Policy director Dr John Hagelin said such positive news was predicted in advance, and although the required number of peace-creating experts for the United States was 1730, the flyers were assembling 3500 as a safety factor. "As the number of Yogic Flyers increases towards 3500, the world press will have more and more good news to report from America," Dr. Hagelin said. "The government will enjoy greater success. Peace and prosperity will reign, and violence and conflict will subside as America rises to become a lighthouse of coherence and invincibility for the world."

BOTE (Switzerland)
"Yogic Flyers as Knights in Shining Armour"

The Swiss Peace Government wants to make Switzerland invincible
and celebrate the dawn of a new fortune for the whole world.

(This article appeared in several newspapers throughout Switzerland, including on the front page of the newspaper Bote. Here are excerpts.)

(July 28, 2008) The program for an invincible nation is the first phase of the global peace program of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi -- the Indian who is the founder of Transcendental Meditation. In October 2000 he created the Global Country of World Peace as a "country without borders for all peace loving citizens of the world." Its goal: It wants to raise each country to invincibility and create lasting world peace.

According to Felix Kagi, the Raja of Switzerland, the Swiss initiative wants to mobilize in the country 300 experts who have already been trained as Yogic Flyers. They are to create an integrated collective consciousness -- the basis for an invincible nation. In addition, all over Switzerland Invincibility Schools will be created, in which the students will practise Yogic Flying together. "The Peace Government of Switzerland takes full responsibility to make Switzerland invincible," Felix Kagi says. The existing government is not able to free the country from problems. The Swiss Federal Council can only do exactly what it has been doing, because it is governed by the collective consciousness of the nation. "If the collective consciousness is incoherent, the government will be incoherent -- and problem-ridden. If the collective consciousness is coherent, the government will be coherent -- and problem-free."

To ensure the success of the Invincible Switzerland Program, Felix Kagi said, the new Invincibility Schools and all other buildings that will serve as centers for the group of Yogic Flyers will be designed and constructed according to Vedic architecture in harmony with Natural Law. "This complete science of architecture provides the knowledge of proper orientation, placement, and proportion to produce a 'fortune-creating' building -- a building that will maximize the coherence-creating influence of the group of Yogic Flyers. These 'fortune-creating' buildings in every city ensure that the influence of invincibility in collective consciousness is powerful and permanent," he said.


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