**Note- G = Swami Ganaga Puri ( my Guru), the asteric is a disciple of 
Christine Breese, 
who has videos up on your tube:

As for the real question about whether this is true, RAMANA 
contradicted his own teaching that the guru is necessary (and he would 
be tickled to see that this has come up!). After all, who was his 
teacher? He did not have one except sitting in meditation and bringing 
forth the wisdom from within. Is that not being one's own teacher? 
G FAR from being tickled Here is what Sri Ramana said on 
these subjects. My suggestion is that you buy some books 
on Ramana and research it for yourself. Ramana did not 
contradict his own teachings as you will see. 
G i also had some Guru's that weren't seen - and this has 
nothing to do with being your own guru. 
Here is what Ramana said about these subjects - 
Q; How did some great persons attain knowledge without a guru ? 
A: To a few *mature* persons the Lord shines as the formless 
  light of knowledge and imparts Awareness to the Truth. (pg 93) 
G Ramana went on to say - i have never said that there is no need 
for a guru. 
Q: Sri Aurobindo and others refer to you as having had no guru. 
A: The Guru is Absolutely necessary. The Upanishads say that 
none but a Guru can take a man out of the jungle of intellect and 
sense perceptions. So there Must be a Guru. 
Q: I mean a human Guru - Maharishi didn't have one. 
A: I might have had one at one time or other. But 
did i not sing hymns to Arunachala ?(paraphrase as is long) 
When man leaves materialism aside and prays to know God 
then God appears to him in some forn or other, human 
or non human, to guide him to himself in answer to 
his prayers. 
Q. J Krishnamurti says no Guru is necessary. 
A. How did he know it ? One can say so *After* 
Realizing (Realization) and NOT before. 
Q is it absolutely necessary to have a Guru if one is 
seeking Self Realization ? 
A: So long as duality persists in you the Guru is necessary. 
Because you identify yourself with the body you think that 
the Guru is also a body. You are not the body and neither is 
the Guru. You are the Self and so is the Guru. This knowledge 
is gained by what you call Self Realization. 
G knowledge *gained* isn't talking about a conceptual understanding 
it is talking about a cannot be denied Reality that becomes ones 
Conscious Awareness in every moment of every day- 
* I'm Jenny and I maintain this site for University Of Metaphysical 
Sciences and Christine. Aaah, yes, there are quite a few people who 
believe a teacher is absolutely and undeniably necessary. However, 
Christine says a new paradigm makes it possible for people to awaken 
without the teacher moreso than ever before. Veils aren't so thick 
anymore. As for the contradiction (see Christine's talk on Paradox, Its 
All True), both are true. Some need the teacher, others don't. 
G many are starting to awaken - but starting to awaken is a far cry 
from not needing a Guru. What is She doing ? Being a Guru - 
Guru means dispeller of Darkness - (it doesn't mean one that 
has adoring fawning devotees) Any teacher that is attempting 
to bring Guidance in Spirituality is a Guru. They may not be 
a Sat Guru which is a Realized Actualized ONE - but they 
are attempting to break through the coverings to the Truth 
of Being. THIS IS A GURU - no matter how you want to 
spin it the Truth is they are acting as Guru's. A friend is someone 
you pal around with - hang out with- yaps endlessly with 
about each others troubles. And while people want to 
hear (as it is so ego affirming) i am Not a Guru i am 
your friend. Let's see how many of these Not Guru's will 
let their friends come on a moments notice just to 
hang out and shoot the breeze. i doubt that is going 
to happen. Try to call up Gangaji or Christine and 
say look i'm not interested in going to the retreat let's 
hang out and be friends - what do you think the response 
is going to be ? 
While a Guru on one hand may be your best *friend* as they 
are there to shed light on what you are not seeing clearly within 
your self or path , the Guru is not there to be your buddy and pal. 
* For those who believe they need the teacher, then yes, the teacher is 
necessary. For those who don't believe it, then no, the teacher is not 
necessary. Both are possible. In another talk Christine mentions to try 
not to think a single thought for 5 minutes. If you can pass that test, 
you are ready to start being your own teacher and bring out the 
transmission and wisdom from within that resides in the One Self that 
we all are, which is the same resource the teacher brings it from. 
G IF they need to HEAR that then they Need a Guide. Even IF one 
can have a quiet mind - and i had a quiet mind Many Many years 
before even halfway coming close to realization. And even with 
that was caught in delusion and it was only through the Compassion 
of my Guru (who i thought i didn't need because all of these wonderful 
phenomena was taking place - siddhis came - anything i wanted to 
know in the universe was simply there on the screen of consciousness) 
And i was fooling myself. - i was in and out of Samadhi states - the 
bliss etc. And i can say that without my Guru having been there at 
the crutial time i would Still be in suffering. 
G As Ramana said so say i - a Guru is Necessary - and no matter 
what Gangaji says or Christine says they are acting as Guru's 
to aide others in coming out of ignorance. They may not be giving 
Diksha or giving that One to One aide as in a Traditional Guru /chela 
relationship. But they are figureheads - and acting as guides. This 
is a Guru. 
What is wrong with Neo Advaita ? It sounds good - you are what you seek - you 
need a guru as you are a guru within. 
They don't realize that they are encouraging the one thing they think they are 
others to be free from and that is bondage within their own minds and dramas. - 
this is 
why it is termed Maya. 
IF THAT which one IS was actualized there would be freedom 
the very fact that they remain in confusion and suffering Shows 
that the Inner Guru is still wearing blinders - 
Guru means "Weighty one," indicating an authority of great knowledge or skill. 
. According 
to the Advayataraka Upanishad (14 -- 18), guru means "dispeller (gu) of 
darkness (ru)." 
Part #2 
As far as being equal All have the same One Essence - so what is the difference 
? the Guru 
has Actualized and knows the way while the seeker is in bondage and pain and 
So while you think you are helping others in In what you are saying you are 
only aiding 
others to remain in ego - in suffering - in bondage - in the illusion. As if 
they Knew the 
way out they would already be there But obviously the lessons that life has to 
offer haven't 
been taken advantage of they Don't know the way to navigate Life to come to the 
Liberation which is ever present. i am greatly saddened when i hear such neo 
renderings - as you give nothing more to aide them to come out of where they 
Gangaji gives some practical advice - NOT to run from what comes up but to 
encounter it 
fully - whereas you are saying you are already that. 
Part #3 
Well when one is suffering and clueless then this is not an Affirming thing to 
say. If one 
comes to a teacher with the idea of my ideas and concepts are just as valid as 
what a 
Teacher has to say then guess what, they are not open to hearing what may be 
While a Guru on one hand may be your best *friend* as they are there to shed 
light on 
what you are not seeing clearly within your self or path , the Guru is not 
there to be your 
buddy and pal. 
Maha Shanti OM 

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