do.rflex wrote:
> It was a Friday night in 1974...
Maybe somebody got their dates mixed up. And a
few other things mixed up as well. Go figure.

"Jerry Jarvis was like a breath of fresh air after 
visiting with the folks down at the local SRM in LA. 
Before Jerry came along the Movement was going 
nowhere, and in fact, the SRM had even lost their 
lease down on Santa Monica Blvd by 1965..."

Read more: 

From: Willytex
Subject: Re: Charles F. Lutes - a tribute
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: December 11, 2002

"The only thing I remember Charlie *promoting* was 
the book, "The Rosicrucian Cosmo Conception", by 
Max Heindel..." 

From: Willaim P. Murphy
Subject: Re: Charles F. Lutes - a tribute
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: December 11, 2002

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