--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Friends,
> Everyone said the bill would pass. The masters of the universe were 
> already making celebratory dinner reservations at Manhattan's finest 
> restaurants. Personal shoppers in Dallas and Atlanta were dispatched to 
> do the early Christmas gifting. Mad Men of Chicago and Miami were 
> popping corks and toasting each other long before the morning latte run.
> But what they didn't know was that hundreds of thousands of Americans 
> woke up yesterday morning and decided it was time for revolt. The 
> politicians never saw it coming. Millions of phone calls and emails hit 
> Congress so hard it was as if Marshall Dillon, Elliot Ness and Dog the 
> Bounty Hunter had descended on D.C. to stop the looting and arrest the 
> thieves.
> The Corporate Crime of the Century was halted by a vote of 228 to 205. 

I know! All those corporate lackies who voted for it got their due:
Waxman, Waters, Berman, Frank -- all those right wing nuts in the hip
pocket of Wall St.

> It was rare and historic; no one could remember a time when a bill 
> supported by the president and the leadership of both parties went down 
> in defeat. That just never happens.
> A lot of people are wondering why the right wing of the Republican
> joined with the left wing of the Democratic Party in voting down the 
> thievery. Forty percent of Democrats and two-thirds of Republicans
> against the bill.
> Here's what happened:
> The presidential race may still be close in the polls, but the 
> Congressional races are pointing toward a landslide for the Democrats. 
> Few dispute the prediction that the Republicans are in for a
whoopin' on 
> November 4th. Up to 30 Republican House seats could be lost in what 
> would be a stunning repudiation of their agenda.
> The Republican reps are so scared of losing their seats, when this 
> "financial crisis" reared its head two weeks ago, they realized they
> just been handed their one and only chance to separate themselves from 
> Bush before the election, while doing something that would make them 
> look like they were on the side of "the people."
> Watching C-Span yesterday morning was one of the best comedy shows I'd 
> seen in ages. There they were, one Republican after another who had 
> backed the war and sunk the country into record debt, who had voted to 
> kill every regulation that would have kept Wall Street in check --
> they were, now crying foul and standing up for the little guy! One
> another, they stood at the microphone on the House floor and threw Bush 
> under the bus, under the train (even though they had voted to kill off 
> our nation's trains, too), heck, they would've thrown him under the 
> rising waters of the Lower Ninth Ward if they could've conjured up 
> another hurricane. You know how your dog acts when sprayed by a skunk? 
> He howls and runs around trying to shake it off, rubbing and rolling 
> himself on every piece of your carpet, trying to get rid of the stench. 
> That's what it looked like on the Republican side of the aisle 
> yesterday, and it was a sight to behold.
> The 95 brave Dems who broke with Barney Frank and Chris Dodd were the 
> real heroes, just like those few who stood up and voted against the war 
> in October of 2002. Watch the remarks from yesterday of Reps. Marcy 
> Kaptur ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S27yitK32ds ), Sheila Jackson 
> Lee ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwysnA7ZmE8 ) and Dennis
Kucinich ( 
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VaF_MZVWM3E ). They spoke the truth.
> The Dems who voted for the giveaway did so mostly because they were 
> scared by the threats of Wall Street, that if the rich didn't get their 
> handout, the market would go nuts and then it's bye-bye stock-based 
> pension and retirement funds.
> And guess what? That's exactly what Wall Street did! The largest, 
> single-day drop in the Dow in the history of the New York Stock 
> exchange. The news anchors last night screamed it out: Americans just 
> lost 1.2 trillion dollars in the stock market!! It's a financial Pearl 
> Harbor! The sky is falling! Bird flu! Killer Bees!
> Of course, sane people know that nobody "lost" anything yesterday, that 
> stocks go up and down and this too shall pass because the rich will now 
> buy low, hold, then sell off, then buy low again.
> But for now, Wall Street and its propaganda arm (the networks and media 
> it owns) will continue to try and scare the bejesus out of you. It will 
> be harder to get a loan. Some people will lose their jobs. A weak
> of wimps won't last long under this torture. Or will we? Is this our 
> line in the sand?
> Here's my guess: The Democratic leadership in the House secretly hoped 
> all along that this lousy bill would go down. With Bush's proposals 
> shredded, the Dems knew they could then write their own bill that
> the average American, not the upper 10% who were hoping for another 
> kegger of gold.
> So the ball is in the Democrats' hands. The gun from Wall Street
> at their head. Before they make their next move, let me tell you what 
> the media kept silent about while this bill was being debated:
> 1. The bailout bill had NO enforcement provisions for the so-called 
> oversight group that was going to monitor Wall Street's spending of the 
> $700 billion;
> 2. It had NO penalties, fines or imprisonment for any executive who 
> might steal any of the people's money;
> 3. It did NOTHING to force banks and lenders to rewrite people's 
> mortgages to avoid foreclosures -- this bill would not have stopped ONE 
> foreclosure!;
> 4. It had NO teeth anywhere in the entire piece of legislation, using 
> words like "suggested" when referring to the government being paid back 
> for the bailout;
> 5. Over 200 economists ( 

> ) wrote to Congress and said this bill might actually WORSEN the 
> "financial crisis" and cause even MORE of a meltdown.
> Put a fork in this slab of pork. It's over. Now it is time for our side 
> to state very clearly the laws WE want passed. I will send you my 
> proposals later today. We've bought ourselves less than 72 hours.
> Yours,
> Michael Moore
> http://www.michaelmoore.com/
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> http://www.michaelmoore.com/mikesmailinglist/index.php ) | Join Mike's 
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