--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> (Just fooling around...)
> The great Diirghatamas ("Long darkness"?), son of Ucathya  
> (Aucathyo Diirghatamaa [sic!] RSiH) has "written" the suuktas
> 140 through 164 of the first maNDala of Rgveda.
> One of the kewlest suuktas of the Rgveda, IMO, is, well,
> that suukta called "asya-vaamasya" (I 164). The "famous"
> Rco akSare -verse is the 39th one of that suukta. The 
> second hemistich of that verse goes like this:
> samhitaa-paaTha ("sentence-reading"):
> yas tan na veda kim Rcaa kariSyati,
> ya it tad vidus ta ime samaasate.
> pada-paaTha (= word reading) i.e., without sandhi:
> yaH | tat | na | veda | kim | Rcaa | kariSyati |
> ye  | it  | tat | viduH | te | ime | samaasate |

The "interesting" thing in that hemistich is that 
ignorance is presented by singular forms of the predicate
verb and subject: He, who (yaH) that (tat) not (na)
veda (knows) what [kind of] (kim) use shall he make [?aarrgghh:
kariSyati?] of the verses (Rcaa: instrumental singular[?]
from 'Rk', as in Rg-veda < Rk + veda).
OTOH, the state of Enlightenment(?) is presented
by Diirghatamas using a plural sentence.

IMO, only the verb form 'viduH' reveals that the sentence
is in plural, because (I believe) also the sequence
yaH (singular) | it | tat |... would result to the sandhi form
ya it tat....

The form 'ye' (plural) becomes 'ya' if it's followed by any other
vowel that *short* 'a'. So, why couldn't Diirgha use some other
"verse filler" instead of 'it' (dictionary form: id), to make the 
subject of the sentence unambiguous? Well, I'm prolly reading way 
too much into that...

id  ind. Ved. (probably the neut. form of the pronom. base %{i} see 
3. %{i} ; a particle of affirmation) even , just , only ; indeed , 
assuredly (especially , in strengthening an antithesis , e.g. %
[EMAIL PROTECTED]@[EMAIL PROTECTED]@asat} , as the gods wish it , thus 
indeed it will be RV. viii , 28 , 4 ; %
[EMAIL PROTECTED]@[EMAIL PROTECTED]@debhuH} , the enemies wishing indeed 
to hurt were in nowise able to hurt RV. i , 147 , 3). %{id} is often 
added to words expressing excess or exclusion (e.g. [EMAIL PROTECTED] , 
every one indeed ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] , constantly indeed ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] , 
one only). At the beginning of sentences it often adds emphasis to 
pronouns , prepositions , particles (e.g. [EMAIL PROTECTED] , thou indeed ; 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] , if indeed , &c.) %{id} occurs often in the R2ig-veda 
and Atharva-veda , seldom in the Bra1hman2as , and its place is 
taken in classical Sanskr2it by %{eva} and other particles.  

As an example of the very very  many inflectional forms of Sanskrit

kR 1 Ved. I. cl. 2. P. 2. sg. %{ka4rSi} du. %{kRtha4s} pl. %
{kRtha4} ; A1. 2. sg. %{kRSe4} ; impf. 2. and 3. sg. %{a4kar} , 3. 
sg. rarely %{a4kat} (S3Br. iii , xi) [301,1] ; 3. du. %{a4kartAm} ; 
pl. %{a4karma} , %{a4karta} (also BhP. ix) , %{a4kran} (aor. , 
according to Pa1n2. 4-2 , 80 Ka1s3.) ; A1. %{a4kri} (RV. x , 159 , 4 
and 174 , 4) , %{a4kRthAs} (RV. v , 30 , 8) , %{a4kRta} (RV.) ; %
{akrAtAm} (S3a1n3khS3r.) , %{a4krata} (RV. AV.): Impv. %{kRdhi4} 
(also MBh. i , 5141 and BhP. viii) , %{kRta4m} , %{kRta4} ; A1. %
{kRSva4} , %{kRdhva4m} ; Subj. 2. and 3. sg. %{kar} pl. %{ka4rma} , %
{ka4rta} and %{kartana} , %{kran} ; A1. 3. sg. %{kRta} (RV. ix , 
69 , 5) , 3. pl. %{kra4nta} (RV. i , 141 , 3): Pot. %{kriyAma} (RV. 
x , 32 , 9) ; pr. p. P. (nom. pl.) %{kra4ntas} A1. %{krANa4}. II. 
cl. 1. P. %{ka4rasi} , %{ka4rati} , %{ka4rathas} , %{ka4ratas} , %
{ka4ranti} ; A1. %{ka4rase} , %{ka4rate} , %{ka4rAmahe}: impf. %
{a4karam} , %{a4karas} , %{a4karat} (aor. , according to Pa1n2. 3-
1 , 59): Impv. %{ka4ra} , %{ka4ratam} , %{ka4ratAm}: Subj. %
{ka4ram} , %{ka4rANi} , %{ka4ras} , %{ka4rat} , %{ka4rAma} , %
{ka4ran} ; A1. %{karAmahai} ; pr. p. (f.) %{ka4rantI} (Naigh.) III. 
cl. 5. P. %{kRNo4mi} , %{-No4Si} , %{-No4ti} , %{kRNutha4s} , %
{kRNma4s} and %{kRNmasi} , %{kRNutha4} , %{kRNva4nti} ; A1. %
{kRNve4} , %{kRNuSe4} , %{kRNute4} , 3. du. %{kRNvai4te} (RV. vi , 
25 , 4) ; pl. %{kRNma4he} , %{kRNva4te}: impf. %{a4kRNos} , %
{a4kRNot} , %{a4kRNutam} , %{a4kRNuta} and %{-Notana} (RV. i , 110 , 
8) , %{a4kRNvan} ; A1. 3. sg. %{a4kRNuta} pl. %{a4kRNudhvam} , %
{a4kRNvata}: Impv. %{kRNu4} or %{kRNuhi4} or %{kRNutA4t} , %
{kRNo4tu} , %{kRNuta4m} , %{kRNutA4m} , 2. pl. %{kRNuta4} or %
{kRNo4ta} or %{kRNo4tana} , 3. pl. %{kRNva4ntu} ; A1. %{kRNuSva4} , %
{kRNutA4m} , %{kRNvA4thAm} , %{kRNudhva4m}: Subj. %{kRNa4vas} , %{-
Na4vat} or %{-Na4vAt} , %{kRNa4vAva} , %{-Na4vAma} , %{-Na4vAtha} , %
{-Na4vatha} , %{-Na4van} ; A1. %{kRNa4vai} (once %{-NavA} RV. x , 
95 , 2) , %{kRNavase} (also S3vetUp. ii , 7 v.l. %{-Nvase}) , %
{kRNavate} , %{kRNa4vAvahai} , %{kRNa4vAmahai} , 3. pl. %
{kRNa4vanta} (RV.) or %{kRNavante} or %{kRNvata} (RV.): Pot. A1. %
{kRNvIta4} ; pr. p. P. %{kRNva4t} (f. %{-vatI4}) A1. %{kRNvANa4}. 
IV) cl. 8 (this is the usual formation in the Bra1hman2as ; 
Su1tras , and in classical Sanskr2it) P. %{karo4mi} (ep. %{kurmi} 
MBh. iii , 10943 R. ii , 12 , 33) ; %{kurva4s} , %{kurutha4s} , %
{kuruta4s} , %{kurma4s} [%{kulmas} in an interpolation after RV. x , 
128] , %{kurutha4} , %{kurva4nti} ; A1. %{kurve4} , &c. , 3. pl. %
{kurva4te} (Pa1n2. 6-4 , 108-110): impf. %{akaravam} , %{akaros} , %
{akarot} , %{akurva} , &c. ; A1. 3. sg. %{akuruta} pl. %{akurvata}: 
Impv. %{kuru} , %{karotu} (in the earlier language 2. and 3. sg. %
{kurutAt} , 3. sg. also BhP. vi , 4 , 34) , %{kuruta} or %{kurutana} 
(Nir. iv , 7) ; A1. %{kuruSva} , %{kurudhvam} , %{kurva4tAm}: Subj. %
{karavANi} , %{karavas} , %{-vAt} , %{-vAva} or %{-vAvas} (Pa1n2. 3-
4 , 98 Ka1s3.) , %{-vAma} or %{-vAmas} (ib.) , %{-vAtha} , %{-van} ; 
A1. %{karavai} , %{kuruthAs} , %{karavAvahai} (TUp. ; %{-he} MBh. 
iii , 10762) , %{karavaithe} , %{-vaite} (Pa1n2. 3-4 , 95 , Ka1s3) , 
%{-vAmahai} (%{-he} MBh. R. i , 18 , 12): Pot. P. %{kuryAm} A1. %
{kurvIya} (Pa1n2. 6-4 , 109 and 110) ; pr. p. P. %{kurva4t} (f. %{-
vatI4}) ; A1. %{kurvANa4}: perf. P. %{cakA4ra} , %{caka4rtha} , %
{cakRva4} , %{cakRma4} , %{cakra4} (Pa1n2. 7-2 , 13) ; A1. %
{cakre4} , %{cakrire4} ; p. %{cakRvas} (acc. %{cakru4Sam} RV. x , 
137 , 1) ; A1. %{cakrANa} (Vop.): 2nd fut. %####{kariSya4ti}##### ; 
Subj. 2. sg. %{kariSyA4s} (RV. iv , 30 , 23) ; 1st fut. %{ka4rtA}: 
Prec. %{kriyAsam}: aor. P. Ved. %{cakaram} (RV. iv , 42 , 6) , %
{acakrat} (RV. iv , 18 , 12) , %{a4cakriran} (RV. viii , 6 , 20) ; 
A1. 1. sg. %{kRske} (RV. x , 49 , 7) ; Class. %{akArSIt} (Pa1n2. 7-
2 , 1 Ka1s3. ; once %{akAraSIt} BhP. i , 10 , 1) ; Pass. aor. 
reflex. %{akAri} and %{akRta} (Pa1n2. 3-1 , 62 Ka1s3.): Inf. %
{ka4rtum} , Ved. %{ka4rtave} , %{ka4rtavai4} , %{ka4rtos} (see 
ss.vv.) ; ind. p. %{kRtvA4} , Ved. %{kRtvI4} [RV.] and %{kRtvA4ya} 
[TS. iv , v] ; to do , make , perform , accomplish , cause , 
effect , prepare , undertake RV. &c. ; to do anything for the 
advantage or injury of another (gen. or loc.) MBh. R. &c. ; to 
execute , carry out (as an order or command) ib. ; to manufacture , 
prepare , work at , elaborate , build ib. ; to form or construct one 
thing out of another (abl. or instr.) R. i , 2 , 44 Hit. &c. ; to 
employ , use , ##### make use of (instr.)##### S3vetUp. Mn. x , 91 
MBh. &c. ; to compose , describe R. i ; to cultivate Ya1jn5. ii , 
158 (cf. Mn. x , 114) ; to accomplish any period , bring to 
completion , spend (e.g. [EMAIL PROTECTED]@cakruH} , `" they spent ten 
years "' MBh. xv , 6 ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] , `" wait a moment "' MBh. ; 
cf. %{kritakSaNa}) ; to place , put , lay , bring , lead , take hold 
of (acc. or loc. or instr. e.g. %{ardha4M-kR} , to take to one's own 
side or party , cause to share in (gen. ; see 2. %{ardha4}) ; %
{haste} or %{pANau-kR} , to take by the hand , marry Pa1n2. 1-4 , 
77 ; %{hRdayena-kR} , to place in one's heart , love Mr2icch. ; %
{hRdi-kR} , to take to heart , mind , think over , consider Ra1jat. 
v , 313 ; %{manasi-kR} id. R. ii , 64 , 8 Hcar. ; to determine , 
purpose [ind. p. [EMAIL PROTECTED] or %{-si-kRtya}] Pa1n2. 1-4 , 75 ; %
{vaze-kR} , to place in subjection , become master of Mn. ii , 
100) ; to direct the thoughts , mind , &c. (%{ma4nas} [RV. Mn. MBh. 
&c.] or %{buddhim} [Nal. xxvi , 10] or %{matim} [MBh. R.] or %
{bhAvam} [ib.] , &c.) towards any object , turn the attention to , 
resolve upon , determine on (loc. dat. inf. , or a sentence with %
{iti} e.g. [EMAIL PROTECTED]@[EMAIL PROTECTED] , do not turn your mind to grief 
Nal. xiv , 22 [301,2] ; [EMAIL PROTECTED]@cakre} , he resolved upon 
going R. i , 9 , 55 ; % 

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