The thing about right-wing idiots is that they don't
CARE if the propaganda they're spreading is true or not.

--- In, WLeed3@... wrote:
> ____________________________________
>  From: tomeck@...
> To: aloguidice@...,  Bob.Gang@..., 
> daryl7374@..., boots42@...,  rjjd@..., RFuller953@..., 
> schmitter@...,  rsandrews@..., sarter@..., 
> WLeed3@...,  billsue3@..., frank@..., dearest_dahlin@...,  
> goebelpk@..., mlt7135@..., boothefam@...,  danakr@..., 
> debster_58@..., j.dodds63@...,  pubba65@..., 
> bobg@..., goebel@...,  jankvo@..., 
> liskow4@..., longlegs_612@...,  eagan1705@...
> Sent: 8/1/2012 11:00:37 P.M. Eastern Daylight  Time
> Subj: Fw: What's next? President Changes Military  Funerals
> From: _lvsmith@..._ (mailto:lvsmith@...)  
> Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2012 7:10 PM
> To: _Betty Lou Blixt_ (mailto:feemalou@...)  
> Subject: Fw: What's next? President Changes Military  Funerals
> Subject: What's next? President Changes  Military Funerals
> <WBR
> this is about  our loved ones that are willing to give their lives for 
> country. he does not  deserve any respect from our troops that are keeping 
> him 
> safe every day and  this is what he dishes, about disrespect,he has  
> none
> President
> changes
> Military  funerals.
> Check  with Snoopes...  it is TRUE
> _ 
> ( 
> There  has been a change in U.S. military burial  protocol!
> This  is a letter that my good friend's husband wrote  today after his 
> uncle's funeral  yesterday.
> If  Obama does not want his name associated with our  military, he does not 
> deserve to  be
> "The  President of the United States  ".
> -  Alice  Frankovitch
> NOVEMBER  6, 2012
> Dear  Sean,
> Today I was incensed at the conclusion of a  traditional Serbian-Orthodox 
> funeral for  my
> beloved  85-year-old uncle, Daniel Martich, who proudly  served in the US 
> Army during  the
> Korean  conflict. During the committal service at a  Pittsburgh cemetery 
> the local  military
> detachment  performed their ritual, then folded and presented  the American 
> Flag to my aunt. 
> As I'm sure you  have witnessed during military funerals, a soldier  bends 
> to one knee and  recites
> a  scripted message to a surviving relative that  begins  'On  behalf of 
> thePresident  of the
> United  Statesand  a grateful nation, I wish to present you with this  flag
> in  appreciation for your husband's service  ...'
> However,
> today  the dialogue was 'On  behalf of the Secretary of  Defense and a 
> grateful  nation...'
> After  the service, I approached the soldier who presented  the flag to my 
> aunt to inquire  about
> the  change in language. His response was:  "The White House  notified all 
> military  funeral
> service  detachments to immediately remove 'the  President' and insert 'the 
> Secretary of  Defense'.
> I  couldn't believe what I heard! The soldier just  smiled and said, "You  
> can draw your own conclusion, Sir, but that was the  order". 
> He,  too, was ashamed of what he was required to  say.
> Obama  has taken off the  gloves.
> My  only response to this endless cesspool of  anti-American rhetoric 
> dripping from  his
> mouth  is to borrow a phrase "with one minor change"  uttered by another 
> temporary
> Washington  resident living in government housing ( his wife!  ):
> "Today  for the first time in my adult life, I am ashamed of  the current 
> U.S.  President!"
> I  did not serve in the military but my love of country  parallels that of 
> people like my late  uncle
> who  bled red, white and blue. As a second generation  Serbian-American 
> who's heritage  produced
> many  patriotic military men and women who fought for  freedom both in the 
> United States as  well
> as  in the former Yugoslavia (most recently in Kosovo  against the 
> slaughter of Serbs by Muslim  extremists), I implore you to make the American 
> people aware of this little-known  or,
> at  least, publicly acknowledged fact.
> May God Bless  you and your family during these difficult times.  Your 
> voice of reason
> is  a welcome change from the insanity plastered across  the country by the 
> liberal  media.
> Keep  up the great work and thank you for your service to  our country. 
> Sincerely,  
> John G.  Martich 
> Weirton,  WV

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