David Horowitz is another extremist right wing neocon ideologue:


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wle...@... wrote:
> ____________________________________
>  From: ale...@...
> To: wle...@...
> Sent: 2/5/2010 8:12:01  P.M. Eastern Standard Time
> Subj: Horowitz: Dems Rage Political War on  Values and Patriotism, Fight 
> Back!
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> Dear Fellow  Conservative,  
> (http://et.ratepoint.com/c0ba218ac6e77d276661e65d4a6f1e69/04e1c8f18e7b341c7480a9d0f43d8bba)
> This weekend,  conservatives from across the country gathered  in 
> Nashville, Tennesee, for the National Tea  Party Convention to unify their 
> message 
> and  rally support for their grassroots movement  heading into the 2010 
> election cycle.
> We  can see the outlines of the discontent with  Obamaism that could change 
> the shape of our  electoral map this coming November and the  Tea Party 
> movement is ready to capitalize  and help elect conservatives to office at 
> every  level nationwide.
> The motivating force  behind the movement that has just said no to  
> Obamaism in Massachusetts and throughout the  country is the Tea Party 
> movement. It 
> is  the most innovative, exciting and powerful  grassroots force in recent 
> American history. The  radicals in the White House who want to  transform 
> the United States into a country we  will no longer recognize as our own are 
> right to  fear the Tea Party movement. It is the  one force that stands 
> between them and the  success of their schemes.
> If you weren't  able to attend the convention in Nashville,  don't worry - 
> you can still be an active  participant in the Tea Party Movement. I  have 
> written a new pamphlet titled The Art  of Political War for Tea Parties that  
> provides instructions for being an effective Tea  Partier so you can help 
> save our country from  the far left.
> With a _contribution  of $25 or more_ 
> (http://et.ratepoint.com/c0ba218ac6e77d276661e65d4a6f1e69/04e1c8f18e7b341c7480a9d0f43d8bba)
>   today, a copy of The 
> Art  of Political War for Tea Parties will be  yours. As someone who comes 
> out of the Left, I  understand the political motivation of  radicalism and 
> the movement that falsely calls  itself "progressive." Politics to the Left 
> is  war. Nothing less. And we cannot defend  ourselves and our values by 
> compromise or  accommodation, but only by defeating the Left on  the 
> political 
> battlefield. To succeed in taking  our country back it is critical that we  
> understand and learn to practice the art of  political war. That is why I 
> have written this  pamphlet.
> After one year in office,  Barack Obama, who ran as a pragmatic centrist  
> promising hope and transparency and a commitment  to restore the dreams of 
> all Americans, has  advanced a narrowly leftist agenda calculated  to 
> radically transform our politics and  society.
> He has attempted to create a  Big Brother government, nationalizing the 
> auto  companies, controlling the banking and the  financial industries and 
> pushing a government  take over of health care that would make us  sicker and 
> poorer at the same time. All the  while, he has toured the world apologizing 
> for  America, while weakening our defenses against  foreign threats, Al Qaeda 
> and the Jihadists,  and appeasing tyrants in Iran and  Russia.
> It is no wonder that the nation  has risen against this radical 
> administration.  Once again the American people have shown that  while they 
> want to be 
> justly and intelligently  governed, they will never be ruled. And they  will 
> resist a president such as Obama who  assaults their values and sense of  
> patriotism and tries to take control of  their government out of their own  
> hands.
> Our plan is to print over 250,000  copies of the Tea Party booklet. We hope 
> that  you will consider _making  a donation_ (http://et.
> ratepoint.com/c0ba218ac6e77d276661e65d4a6f1e69/04e1c8f18e7b341c7480a9d0f43d8bba)
>   to help us 
> distribute hundreds of  thousands of copies on the campuses, to the  media 
> and 
> to all public officials, and of course  to members of the Tea Party 
> movement  across the country. We have kept printing costs  down and are 
> offering 
> bulk copies at just $1.00  per booklet for orders of 25 or more, or $3.00  
> for 
> a single copy. Plus we'll send you a copy  with your contribution of $25 or 
> more  today.
> _Please  click here to make your $25 or more donation and  to order 
> additional copies  today._ 
> (http://et.ratepoint.com/c0ba218ac6e77d276661e65d4a6f1e69/04e1c8f18e7b341c7480a9d0f43d8bba)
> Thank you for all your great  work defending the exceptionalism of America 
> -  something Barack Obama just doesn't  get.
> Sincerely,
> David  Horowitz
> President & Founder
> P.S.  Even if you missed the National Tea Party  Convention, you can still 
> be a Tea Partier! I've  written a new pamphlet titled The Art of  Political 
> War for Tea Parties to help  fight the far left and their destructive 
> agenda.  With your _contribution  of $25 or more_ 
> (http://et.ratepoint.com/c0ba218ac6e77d276661e65d4a6f1e69/04e1c8f18e7b341c7480a9d0f43d8bba)
>   today, I'll 
> send you a copy  of The Art of Political War for Tea  Parties. _Please  click 
> here to make a generous contribution and  order additional copies today._ 
> (http://et.ratepoint.com/c0ba218ac6e77d276661e65d4a6f1e69/04e1c8f18e7b341c7480a9
> d0f43d8bba)  Thank you.  
> (http://et.ratepoint.com/c0ba218ac6e77d276661e65d4a6f1e69/04e1c8f18e7b341c7480a9d0f43d8bba)
> ____________________________________
> The David  Horowitz Freedom Center
> P.O. Box 55089  
> Sherman Oaks, CA 91499-1964
> _www.FrontPageMag.com_ 
> (http://et.ratepoint.com/6c91fe653c79d8ee6ffd912fee1e2fde/04e1c8f18e7b341c7480a9d0f43d8bba)
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