Card, depending on the exact day of your Dad's birth, if he is Pisces in 
Western, he might be an Aquarius in jyotish.  
As an expert on Aquarius men (-:
I will say that they can be very humanitarian and universal in their outlook 
thus very understanding.  But that can also lean towards detachment and extreme 
objectivity which could come across as hard and cold.  

Since Venus is usually not far from the Sun he may have had Venus exalted in 
Pisces which would also give a soft quality.
Hope this is helpful.

 From: card <>
Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2013 3:32 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Girish Varma accused of sexual harassment


My father's *first* name was Varma (in Finnish, 'sure', 'certain', 'safe', 
etc.) He used his middle name, though.

I guess he was a typical Western Piscean, sometimes exceedingly
soft, sometimes almost psychopathically hard and cold.

varman  n. [nom. sing: varma; cf. brahman - brahma*  -- card] (or m. Siddh. ; 
fr. 1. %{vR}) `" envelope "' , defensive armour , a coat of mail RV. &c. &c. ; 
a bulwark , shelter , defence , protection ib. (often at the end of the names 
of Kshatriyas) ; bark , rind VarBr2S. ; N. of partic. preservative formulas and 
prayers (esp. of the mystic syllable %{hum}) BhP.

* anaadimat paraM *brahma* (brahman is without beginning and


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