--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Cue the theme from "Deliverance":
> **
> http://www.ktvotv3.com/Global/story.asp?S=6726382
> Farmland or recreational park?
Stanley Steamer is advertising its service, 
 A dog, sliding his butt across the rug...
Then cut to Stanley Steamer... gross!
So, Hillbillism is running quite rampant in the country right now-
With Ann Coulter and the like at the helm.
 I guess the golden rule doesn't always work: "Treat others like you 
would like to be treated"

I recon because some people just like that good ol' hog excretion 
smell, it's just so earthy.
 What can you do?
I recon just like some people like that little witch: Ann Coulter and 
her sexy vulgar spinning web of controversy, for the sake of pushing 
What can you do?]


 (VEDIC CITY, Iowa)  A special city council meeting that was held on 
> Sunday turned into an afternoon of tense raw emotions.
> The Maharishi Vedic City Mayor said Sunday's special public meeting 
> was to discuss the city's desire to acquire the Palm Family 
> before any improvements could be made by the Palm family.  During 
> meeting where residents voiced their opinions, the meeting took a 
> different turn when Mayor Robert Wynne asked the Palm Family what 
> they plan on doing with their property.
> "Would you be willing not to have this hog confinement next to our 
> city," asked Mayor Robert Wynne as the crowd heckled don't answer 
> that.
> At that point in the meeting, the discussion was no longer about 
> building recreational parks and energy wind turbines.
> "I'm concerned that when I wake up in the morning, we have 
> I'm going to have a strong smell of hog manure coming into my home 
> and when I go to bed in the evening, I will also have the same 
> experience,"said Maharishi Vedic resident, David Lonsdorf.
> The Palm family response to the hog farming issue seemed to have 
> pleased the crowd.
> "Chris, you said we should speak. If you listen to these people, if 
> you live in Iowa, you understand they have spoke for us," said Ron 
> Palm with cheers of good answer, good answer from the crowd.
> Jefferson County Supervisor Dick Reed coaxed the Vedic City council 
> to wait and have further discussions with the Palm family before 
> moving forward on their resolution to take acquire the Palm family 
> land through eminent domain.
> "You have heard the people speak, when you have heard this many 
> people speak, I've never been in a meeting where this many people 
> have spoke against something.  And for a city council to stand here 
> and vote it in, is not listening to the people,"said Reed.
> Family member Ron Palm said the family property is not for sale.
> "Absolutely not, we have no intentions of selling the property," 
> Ron Palm.
> Maharishi Vedic City Council appears to have made it clear, that it 
> may not be looking to acquire the property through a sale if a 
> Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation is the Palm Family's goal.
> --"Debra Savage, Reporting.

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