Shemp wrote:
> Yes, Palin didn't know what it is. But 
> neither does Gibson. 
Charlie Gibson blew it, big time. 

Apparently he doesn't even know what the 
'Bush Doctrine' even is. Preemption isn't 
a factor of the Bush Doctrine because it's 
already implicit in the Doctrine of Self 

"Bad form and bad journalism on Gibson's 
part. When Gibson asked the question, I 
wasn't sure exactly what the Bush Doctrine 
was. There were a couple of different 
notions associated with it and I wasn't 
sure there was a single one that was the 
Bush Doctrine. I assumed that I was just
ignorant, and that Gibson was trying to 
trip up Palin. 

Read more:

'Sarah Palin and the Bush Doctrine'
By Mike Rappaport
The Right Coast, September 11, 2008

"The main elements of the Bush Doctrine 
were delineated in a National Security 
Council document, National Security Strategy 
of the United States, published on September 
20, 2002,[5] and this document is often 
cited as the definitive statement of the 

Bush Doctrine:

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