CAUTION: Word on the street is that the whole theory behind Vedic Garden
Design was ripped off from the Kama Sutra, with unpredictable results:

  [I've Seen Bigger] 

  [Eat Your Potato!] 

--- In, Dick Mays <dickmays@...> wrote:
> Vedic Garden Design!
> Dr. Peter and Dr. Susie Swan are interviewed on the program "A Chat
> With The Dean" on World Radio KHOE, 90.5 FM with host Dean Dr. Cathy
> Gorini and station manager Stan Stansberry. Listen as Dr. Swan
> discusses aspects of Maharishi Organic Agriculture in the context of
> the course he is teaching here at Maharishi University of Management,
> and Dr. Susie Swan talks about the new Vedic Garden Design Institute
> where you can get answers to you gardening questions. A fascinating
> and educational 60 minutes with these top movement educators
> discussing down-to-earth issues so vital to our well-being
> individually and collectively.
> Listen to this program on World Radio KHOE, 90.5 Fm at the following
> days and times.
> Mondays Noon
> Tuesdays 9 PM just following the Maharishi Global Family Chat
> Wednesdays 9AM and 7 PM
> Thursdays 5 PM and 9 PM
> Fridays 8 AM
> Sundays 5 AM and Noon
> Dr. Swan will address the community this  Friday, February 18th at 8
> PM in Festival Hall in the Argiro Student Center. All are welcome to
> attend.
> ***
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