The first chapter of BS is called 'samanvayaadhyaaya'
(samanvaya + adhyaaya).

samanvaya       m. regular succession or order , connected sequence or
consequence , conjunction , mutual or immediate connection (%{At} ind.
, in consequence of "'

adhyAya         m. a lesson , lecture , chapter ; reading ; proper time for
reading or for a lesson ; ifc. a reader 

The second topic is called 'janmaadyadhikaraNam (janma+aadi+adhikaraNam)

janman  n. birth, origin, new birth; existence, life; birthplace,
home; progenitor, father (esp. --- begotten by); creature, being;
relatives, people i.g.; race, kind; nature quality.

Adi     m. commencement, beginning, firstling; loc. {Adau} in the
beginning, first. Often adj. --- (also {Adika}) ***beginning with, and
so on***.

adhikaraNa      n. (lit. the putting over, placing at the head,
supremacy); substance, something concrete (as the recipient of
qualities, actions, etc.); support, receptacle; relation, esp. the
relation of the locative (g.), **chapter, head (in books)**; court of

The second suutra:

janmaadyasya yataH

Without sandhi:

janma+aadi; asya; yataH

'brahma(n)' from the first suutra is implied here:

[brahma], yataH; janma+aadi; asya (sandhi: yato* janmaadyasya)

Swami's translation:

(Brahman is that) from which the origin etc., (i.e. the origin,
sustenance and dissolution) of this (world proceed).


asya  of this (world)
yataH (that), from which

*) before [*short* 'a' and] voiced consonants -aH is changed
to -o; here 'yataH' -> 'yato'

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