Shemp wrote:
> If you're going to give away the endings to 
> movies or plot twists, it's a good idea to write, 
> in capital letters, "SPOILERS" and then proceed 
> to write your spoiler, if you must, about 10-15 
> lines below that.
Maybe so.
> That way you don't spoil the movie experience for 
> those who just very well may want to see the movie.
The romance is just a minor plot twist, like the 
discovery in the desert of a skull, a Masonic ring, 
and a sheriff's badge. It's the murder mystery that 
is the main plot. Buddy Deeds is a legend in a small
Texas town on the Rio Grande! 


"The movie was much too slow and boring. I love 
mysteries and hate dramas therefore I thought the 
little personal stories throughout with flashbacks 
actually detracted from what I thought was going to 
be a good mystery story. In the end the mystery is 
solved with a thud and don't get me started on the 
quasi Luke & Leia moment at the end. PLEASE!!" 
- C. MacDonald

Read more:

'Lone Star'
Amazon reviews:

> > > My favourite John Sayles film is "Lone Star" 
> > > starring the guy from "The Brother from another 
> > > planet...
> > >
> > There is an unexpected plot twist at the end of 
> > the film that says a lot about reality. In one 
> > of the last conversations between Sam and Pilar, 
> > they realize that maybe they are related. 
> > 
> > They come to the conclusion that Buddy, Sam's 
> > father was involved with Mercedes, Pillar's 
> > mother, shortly before Pilar was born. So, that 
> > would make Sam and Pilar half-brother and sister. 
> > 
> > They must now decide how to proceed in their 
> > relationship. Should they embrace the past or 
> > engage the future? 
> > 
> > Sam: "If I met you today, I'd still want to be 
> > with you." 
> > 
> > Pilar: "We start from scratch?" 
> > 
> > Sam: "Yeah." 
> > 
> > Pilar: "All that other stuff-- all that history... 
> > to hell with it, right? Forget the Alamo." 
> > 
> > Read more:
> > 
> > Subject: Lone Star - Forget the Alamo
> > From: Willytex
> > Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
> > Date: Wed, Oct 5 2005
> >
> > 
> > Film: Lone Star 
> > Cast: Chris Cooper, Elizabeth Pena, Joe Morton, 
> > Ron Canada, Miriam Colon, Clifton James, Kris 
> > Kristofferson, Matthew McConaughey 
> > Director: John Sayles 
> > Producers: R. Paul Miller and Maggie Renzi 
> > Screenplay: John Sayles 
> > Cinematography: Stuart Dryburgh 
> > Music: Mason Darling 
> > U.S. Distributor: Sony Pictures Classics 
> > Rental: Blockbuster

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