--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Joe" <geezerfr...@...> wrote:
> Just spotted this post over at TM Free...fascinating in light of 
> the information coming forth now:
> Re: celibacy being promoted as an ideal starting at Mallorca, I 
> recall M. talking about it even at Humboldt. He said, "Would it 
> be possible for people to refrain from having sex for just this 
> one month while you're on this course?" (He knew the West was 
> then in the midst of a giant sexual orgy.) I also remember M. 
> saying, "I'm almost afraid to say this, but what this movement 
> needs is a few good celibates." I think - but I couldn't swear - 
> that he said that at Humboldt. (If not then, he said it on my TTC, 
> La Antilla.)

There was also the now-famous definition of the 
"two ways of life" I posted yesterday, in which
he said, "The only two valid spiritual paths are
the celibate monk and the married householder.
Anything else is a waste of life." I'm pretty 
sure that one's on tape.

As I noted yesterday, Judith's book and the Sexy
Sadie files pretty much put Maharishi, *by his 
own standards*, in the waste of life group.

I've always found it interesting to hold spiritual
teachers to their own words. That's one of the 
main reasons I bailed from the Rama - Fred Lenz
trip. I started comparing his actions in the later
days of his teaching against his own words in the
earlier days of his teaching, and he completely
failed to "measure up" to his *own* standards. In
many cases, he was doing things on a regular basis
that earlier he'd said that a "real teacher" or an
"enlightened teacher" would never do. I went for
the earlier version of the teachings being more
correct, and bailed. 

With Maharishi, one can do similar comparisons. 
For example, in Squaw Valley he responded to ques-
tions about developing the siddhis by pooh-poohing
them, invoking the then-in-vogue buzz phrase 
"Capture the fort" (by focusing on transcending
instead of trying to develop siddhis), and said in
no uncertain terms that the siddhis were dangerous.
Later? Well, you all know the answer to that one.

Maybe there is "wiggle room" in some of these pro-
nouncements. For example, maybe being unmarried 
but having sex is not "really" a waste of life if
one keeps it hidden. That seems to be the way he
led *his* life, after all.

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