> off_world_beings wrote:
> More Vedic Pandits Coming,
> http://mum.edu/TheReview/#4

Pandits coming, help needed

97 pandits are coming! All the pandits to increase our total pandit
numbers to 1050 are already assembled in India and preparing to come.
These are the first of the new wave. MUM is completely full. These and
all the future pandit groups will be residing at the new campus in
Maharishi Vedic City.

There are 30 houses installed and the first public building for dining
and flying will be completed by Monday. More houses are coming for the
next pandit groups. The foundations are in for the Mandap building and
the second dining-flying hall and these will be going up quickly now
that the weather is getting warmer.

Your help is urgently needed this weekend for light work to set-up the
pandit houses. These houses are each for 4 pandits. We need 25 houses
prepared. The houses have already been cleaned at least once.

Projects include distributing all the small items to each house
(linens, irons, wastebaskets, etc.), unwrapping futons, making beds,
final light cleaning, etc.

If you have small tools you could help install brackets for ironing
boards and other small installation projects.

LOCATION: North of 170th St. just west of the Rukmapura Park Hotel.
Enter from Iris Avenue on the North of 170th or enter from the service
road 1/4 mile West of Iris and north of 170th.

FOR ASSIGNMENTS: Building 1A - the SW house. Mac Muehlman.

TIMES: 1:15 TO 4:15 Saturday and Sunday, March 10th and 11th.

AVOID THE MUD: The ground is very muddy, but there are good gravel
roads and walks. Please park and walk only the gravel roads and
walkways. When you enter a house, please leave shoes on the welcome
mat outside.


Thanks so much for your help.

Jai Guru Dev
Maureen Wynne


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