great dialogue and excellent points
Let's mean it
I am going to pick one
geez, one, how hard can that be?
I 'm going to pick one of these things listed at the end of the post and DO it
Please, for humanity-please join me-do ONE thing TODAY
and log back in 
and mention what you did.
C mon yall 
I love you guys and i need more love than the world is giving out right now
prolly a lot of people out there feel similar
let's start to end suffering
Do this today
won't you?
C mon, we should all have stories today or tomorrow that will be really cool to 
wrap ourselves in
Some people are engulfed in things we have no idea of, because they are good' 
We've got to start doing stuff like this and more often
there's the trumpet blow*buh bumpt bah baaaaahhhhhhh*
Tally Ho!
I'm gonna check back later;
please don't harshen my buzz by ignoring this magic ready to be assimilated and 
Key Word:
*fshingggg*(stars exit out of fearie's wand)
you've been magic-a-fied
Love, M


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