The Titanic is sinking and Obama is measuring the windows for drapes!!

Count me among those who feel this way, the Democrats/Unions have their boy in 
Washington and now you see how goofy and out of touch they all really are!!!  

Completely out of touch with main street reality.....

--- In, "authfriend" <jst...@...> wrote:
> Transcript of a report on tonight's NBC Nightly
> News about the results of a new NBC News-Wall
> Street Journal poll:
> measurement, this has been a tough year for the 
> country, and, by extension, a tough year for the 
> president.  Coming into office, it was clear he 
> was going to have to deal with a slew of 
> problems, from that financial crisis to two wars.
> But the public was optimistic and hopeful about 
> the country and its new president a year ago.  
> That's not the case any more.
> On his first day in office, the president was 
> full of optimism.
> PRES. BARACK OBAMA:  On this day, we gather 
> because we have chosen hope over fear, unity of 
> purpose over conflict and discord.
> TODD:  The country responded and grew optimistic 
> early on.  But now, the pessimism is back.  
> Fifty-five percent of those surveyed believe the 
> country is off on the wrong track.  And less than 
> half, 47 percent, now approve of the job the 
> president is doing, down from 60 percent at that 
> hopeful start of his presidency.
> This grading of the president is at odds with his 
> own perception, which he shared with Oprah 
> Winfrey last Sunday.
> What grade would you give yourself for this year?
> OBAMA:  Good solid B-plus.
> TODD:  And while 54 percent had confidence in 
> President Obama's goals and policies when he came 
> into office, just 39 percent say the same thing 
> now.
> Much of the second half of 2009 in Washington has 
> been dominated by the healthcare debate.  And the 
> longer this debate has gone on, the more negative 
> the public has turned.
> Just 32 percent now believe the president's 
> healthcare plan is a good idea; 47 percent say 
> it's a bad idea.  And for the first time this 
> year, more folks tell us it's better if the plan 
> does not pass, 44 percent, than if it does pass, 
> 41 percent.
> The lone bright spot in the poll for the 
> president, 55 percent support his decision to 
> send 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan.  In 
> November, before the president's West Point and 
> Nobel speeches, fewer than half, 47 percent, had 
> favored sending more troops in.
> Despite finding common ground in Afghanistan, the 
> unity President Obama called for in January is 
> gone.  When he took office, nearly half were 
> optimistic that the two political parties would 
> work together.  Looking back, 81 percent now 
> believe 2009 was a year of division, where 
> neither party showed a willingness to compromise. 
> Last week, the president acknowledged the 
> problem.
> OBAMA:  For decades, we've watched as efforts to 
> solve tough problems have fallen prey to the 
> bitterness of partisanship, to prosaic concerns 
> of politics, to ever-quickening news cycles, to 
> endless campaigns focused on scoring points 
> instead of meeting our common challenges.
> TODD:  I can't emphasize enough how pessimistic 
> the public is, according to this data.  Sixty-one 
> percent tell us America is in a state of decline. 
> Sixty-six percent have very little confidence 
> that our children will be better off than we 
> were.
> Of course, all of this doom and gloom mindset is 
> tied to one issue, the economy.

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