Thanks for posting this. It's very nicely done, 
even though Ram Dass clearly reading from his 
script is a little grating at times. :-) In 
contrast, Douglas Harding is clearly speaking 
extemporaneously, from the Self...all the 
difference in the world. It was also interesting 
to see film of Poonjaji. I happened to be in a 
satsang with Gangaji the day she heard that he 
(her teacher) had died, and it was an interesting 
presence that she was recalling that day.

Great collection of old photographs and films, 
providing a nice introduction to Self Inquiry 
to those who might hear in it something of 
value to them.

--- In, "claudiouk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 1 hr 3 min 17 sec
> Abide As the Self is a transforming video that takes you on an inner 
> journey into the teachings of Ramana Maharshi and the path of ... 
> all ยป Self-knowledge. Comprehensive film footage of Ramana comes 
> alive, with emphasis on the teachings of Self-Inquiry and its 
> practical application. A special collection of rare photographs 
> enhances Ramana's presence and captures the compassion and grace of 
> one of the most respected sages of our time. The inspired narration 
> by Ram Dass provides an overview of Ramana's teachings. Also 
> included 
> are interviews with H.W.L. Poonja, Douglas Harding, Allan W. 
> Anderson, and others. In Abide As the Self, you will experience how 
> the profound teachings of Ramana Maharshi can be easily applied in 
> our daily life. This is a deeply inspiring video in which the sage 
> Ramana speaks directly to your heart. "Abide As the Self skillfully 
> interweaves old and new still photographs, excerpts from Ramana's 
> writings, interviews with longtime devotees, narration by Ram Dass, 
> and, not least, rare and precious footage of Ramana from 1935 to 
> 1949. Highly recommended." Yoga Journal 
> "The presence of the great Indian sage Ramana Maharshi, his clear 
> approach to Self-Realization, and the teachings of Self-Inquiry are 
> beautifully presented. Interviews and exceptional film footage of 
> Ramana Maharshi make this video an inspiring and transforming 
> experience." New Renaissance Bookshop 
> "The video concludes with the encouraging words of Ram Dass, who 
> tells us that Maharshi's message is not Indian but universal: the 
> peace that illuminates the heart and mind is always present. Anyone 
> curious about this aspect of Eastern spirituality will find this 
> informative and interesting video worthwhile and surprisingly 
> accessible to general viewers. Recommended." Video 
> Librarian "Bhagavan was always silent, that is everyone's true 
> nature . . . In this quietness the mind will automatically return to 
> its source and there will be a tremendous fountain of peace. All 
> doubts are cleared and one remains quiet, in the heart." H.W.L. 
> Poonja

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