You don't really need any religious codes, just common sense to see what's 
going on with Obama's popularity and past election to determine he is now 
unlikely to win.

Over the last 2 months I've been speaking with co-workers confidently that 
Obama's going to win this election.  The electoral is showing it all over the 
polls, even if Romney wins the popular vote.  

However, if we look at the numbers and categories of voters, it's really not 
looking good for Obama.

1st of all, anyone who voted for McCain in 2008 is not voting for Obama this 
time around.  Obama gains nothing from the opposite side.

African Americans - He will lose some of this demographic due to being 
displeased with his approval of gay marriage.

Military - some in the military who voted for him last time are unlikely to 
vote for him this time.  I don't understand why, he hasn't really done anything 
specifically to the military, I just know he's losing more ground there than he 
had in 2008.

Jewish vote - he'll lose some of this demographic because of his stance on 

Nevada - he made derogatory remarks about Las Vegas being a home of business 
meetings early in his term.  They won't forget that.

Independant voters - He's definitely losing ground here too.

Hollywood actors/musicians - many who endorsed him, like Matt Damon for 
example, are no longer endorsing him.  This is becoming widespread.

Catholic vote - he'll lose here due to gay marriage.

Youth vote - he may still retain a majority here, but many youth are entering a 
job market with little or no potential.  They most likely won't look deeply 
into the candidates, but will simply choose someone different with the hopes 
that things will change for the better.  

I'm sure there are other demographics that were in favor of Obama in 2008.  
From everything i'm reading, Obama will not go up in ANY category whatsoever, 
with the possible exception of Hispanics.  

Obama has only one direction to go from 2008, and that is down.

Does this mean he will it doesn't.  But when every demographic shows 
a decrease from your last election, that means odds are not in your favor.

In spite of my recent confidence in an Obama victory, i've switched to 
predicting Romney will win.  This isn't due to the polls (which are showing him 
ahead nationally and in the electorate now), but more so due to the fact that 
Obama has not increased his popularity one bit since 2008.  He has only 
decreased it.


--- In, "card" <cardemaister@...> wrote:
> Romney Codes 
> In a series of controversial YouTube videos about the 2012 presidential 
> election, Moshe Aharon Shak predicted that Romney would be the Republican 
> candidate (published long before the Republican primaries), and predicts that 
> Romney will ultimately win the election (published in Winter 2012).
> BCD does not endorse the use of codes for prediction. In our opinion, codes 
> are prophetic fragments that often express a well-known point of view or 
> opinion. So, it is hard to distinguish a code expressing the opinion that 
> Romney will win from a code detailing an actual prediction. We encourage our 
> readers to draw their own conclusions from the following sampling of these 
> codes.

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