--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> I found very little posted on FFL yesterday worth 
> replying to or getting involved with

Thank goodness. It was so pleasant here yesterday
for a change without Barry tossing his stinkbombs.

FWIW, the "endless debates" Barry refers to consisted
of 11 posts out of a total of 121. The thread was
initiated by Joe, and most of the 11 posts were from
TM critics.

> Now let's look at one of the the conversations that
> reincarnated itself on FFL yesterday, as it has so
> many times before. More endless debates about whether
> the Beatles ragged on Maharishi or not after Rishikesh,
> as if what the Beatles said or didn't say with regard
> to Maharishi has *anything whatsoever* to do with the
> people debating it, or their own importance on the
> planet.

Of the posts from TMers, only three (all from Shemp)
had to do with what the Beatles (specifically George)
said about Maharishi, vs. what Magic Alex said.

Those three posts are the sole basis for Barry's entire
rant about TMers "trying to puff up their image by
associating it with the image of famous people."

> The groupie "association with greatness is almost as
> good as being great myself" mindset is IMO a Rube 
> Goldberg machine constructed to *distract* from the
> fact that in many cases the groupie hasn't ever done
> anything memorable themselves.

Barry, last Tuesday:

"Speaking as the only person here who seems to have
actually *met* Nancy Cooke de Herrera and her son
Rick Cooke, my impression when the song came out
shortly after I met and interacted with them was
that the Beatles just *nailed* it."

She's had three books published. How many have you
had published, Barry? Probably many more, since
you're a professional writer, right?


> 42 years later, and TMers are still trying to warm
> their hands at *someone else's fire* instead of gener-
> ating their own heat. A 42-year-old Beatles song comes
> on the radio and for a moment they feel more self-
> important, as if that song makes *them* more important
> because they are interested in something that these
> four musicians were interested in for a short time
> in their youth.

Speaking for myself, when I hear a Beatles song, TM
is about the last thing that comes to mind. The
Beatles were a big part of my life well before they,
and even longer before I, ever encountered TM.

Given the importance of the Beatles entirely
independently of their TM association, it's really
hard to make a case that a TMer's appreciation of
the Beatles has much of anything to do with the fact
that they were once interested in TM.

Barry's well-known propensity for puffing himself up
via name-dropping makes this whole post yet another
addition to his "Master of Inadvertent Irony" canon.

> Heather Graham's tits -- as dazzling as they are -- are
> not going to make any female TMer's tits more attractive
> because Heather does TM. Paul McCartney's sagging man-
> boobs are not going to make any male TMer's pecs more
> beach-worthy. And no famous person who does TM is
> going to make either TM or anyone who practices TM
> more *anything*.

We're so fortunate that Barry has decided to favor us
again today with his profound and scrupulously
accurate observations.

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