Chris Bowers looking for a pony
read> -
Stupak amendment passes easily: Well over 60 Democrats supporting the
Stupak amendment. Once it got over 45, it became a "freebie" and lots of
people piled on.  Anyone who votes against the overall bill, but voted
in favor of this amendment, should be primaried. And defeating them with
a pro-choice, pro-health care candidate should be doable, in any
district in the country.
The amendment can still be stripped in conference committee. 
Supposedly, President Obama promised Henry Waxman that he would
personally work to do just that.  We'll see...\

--- In, "raunchydog" <raunchy...@...>
> Jane Hamsher's progressives at Firedoglake are really pissed about the
Stupak Amendment. I hope they follow through with their activism and put
a lot of energy into finding candidates to run against every single
stinking Democrat who voted for this fucking amendment. How dare they
trade a woman's reproductive rights away? The Democrats have no idea
what they have unleashed. We have seen many attempts to weaken Roe v
Wade. Stupak's amendment set us back to square one. Women fought for
their right to choose and won.  We will fight again. Stupak's head will
be among the first to roll. RD
> "It's a fundamental part of our belief system in the Democratic Party,
that women have a right to privacy in their reproductive health care
decisions. We've fought long and hard to protect this right.
> And now we've seen decades of work to protect this fundamental human
right dashed by our own Democratic representatives.
> Many of you are going to say you're walking away. And many more are
going to rant and rave and carry on for a while.
> This is when it's time to gather resources and plan more carefully for
the next phase in what is a lifelong effort. Democracy isn't easy, after
all. And she's not cheap. We're going to have to continue to fight, but
we're going to have to become even more effective.
> What say you?"
> UPDATE: A list of the Yea votes follows after the jump. Read the hall
of shame.
> Altmire
> Baca
> Barrow
> Berry
> Bishop (GA)
> Boccieri
> Boren
> Bright
> Cardoza
> Carney
> Chandler
> Childers
> Cooper
> Costa
> Costello
> Cuellar
> Dahlkemper
> Davis (AL)
> Davis (TN)
> Donnelly (IN)
> Doyle
> Driehaus
> Ellsworth
> Etheridge
> Gordon (TN)
> Griffith
> Hill
> Holden
> Kanjorski
> Kaptur
> Kildee
> Langevin
> Lipinski
> Lynch
> Marshall
> Matheson
> McIntyre
> Melancon
> Michaud
> Mollohan
> Murtha
> Neal (MA)
> Oberstar
> Obey
> Ortiz
> Perriello
> Peterson
> Pomeroy
> Rahall
> Reyes
> Rodriguez
> Ross
> Ryan (OH)
> Salazar
> Shuler
> Skelton
> Snyder
> Space
> Spratt
> Stupak
> Tanner
> Taylor
> Teague
> Wilson (OH)

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