guyfawkes wrote:
> Likewise all of America should be given back to 
> the native Indians...
There are no 'native Indians' in America because
Indians are from India. Many of the native 
inhabitants of South America came from islands in
the Caribbean.
But it would probably be a mistake to give South 
America to the Jamaicans, wouldn't it? 

North American native inhabitants came over from 
Siberia, but it would probably be a mistake to give 
North America to the Siberians.

> ...and all of Australia to the native Australians.
Most native Australians came from Micronesia, but
most of Micronesia is under water now.

> Native Americans even have legal documents 
> granting them rights over various bits of land...
Maybe so, but around here the Apaches and the 
Cammanches invaded Texas and caused hell, so we 
killed most of them and sent the rest of the 
invaders to live in Oklahoma. 

> though every treaty the Indians made with the 
> white settlers was broken. 
There are no American 'treaties' with India.

And there is no 'America' - if there was, an 
Italian banking family owned by the Vespucci 
family would be the owner of North and South 

Christopher Columbus was standing on the beach
near Port Royal, exchanging gifts with some of
the native inhabitants. One of the natives said:
"But Chris, why do you call us 'Indians'"?

> Attempting to wind back 2000 years of conquest 
> and reconquest by creating Israel out of land 
> inhabited by people who had legal proof of
> ownership was the most stupid thing the British 
> and the UN ever did.
There is no evidence that modern Israel was once 
'invaded' by Jews descended from an Abraham of Ur,
thousands of years ago. The modern Judeans are 
the descendants of the Caananites. The only known 
invaders of Judea were the Philistines, the 'boat 
people' that probably came over from the Aegean.

Anyone living in Judea could be termed a 
'Palestinian', but it is a fact that most of the
so-called 'Palestinians' are Arabs from Jordan, 
Egypt, and Syria, who invaded Judea long before 
the modern state of Israel was founded. 

There are no 'native' Palestinians. Based on your 
logic, the 'Gaza strip' should be given back to 
the Egyptians.

Read more:

Subject: Selective Theology
Author: Willytex
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: Mon, Aug 12 2002

Titles of interst

'The Mythic Past'
Biblical Archaeology And The Myth Of Israel
by Thomas L. Thompson
Basic Books, 2000

'The Bible Unearthed'
Archaeology's New Vision of Ancient Israel and 
the Origin of Its Sacred Texts
by Neil Asher Silberman and Israel Finkelstein
Free Press, 2002

'Who Wrote the Bible?'
by Richard E. Friedman
HarperOne, 1997

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