[Global Country of World Peace]
Dear Supporters of the Vedic Pandits Creating Invincibility for America,

It is a great joy to announce that there are now more than 600 Vedic
Pandits in Maharishi Vedic City and on the Maharishi University of
Management campus, and another 450 Vedic Pandits in India have assembled
and are ready to come immediately. When this new group arrives there
will be 2,000 yogic flyers in the morning and 2,200 in the evening on a
regular basis on the Invincible America Assembly, significantly more
than the 1740 required to create and maintain invincibility for America.
Even during holidays and student vacations the Invincible America
Assembly should be able to remain above 1740 for both morning and
evening programs. The arrival of this next group of 450 Vedic Pandits
will therefore finally crown America with permnent invincibility.

Without the existing 600 Vedic Pandits, there would only be 1100 Yogic
Fliers on the Invincible America Assembly. The foresight of thousands of
donors supporting the arrival of the Vedic Pandits have brought America
to this most fortunate situation.

In order for these next 450 Vedic Pandits to come to America two things
need to happen:

    1. $1,800 per Vedic Pandit in upfront costs are necessary to cover
the issuance of passports, visas, air and ground transportation,
clothing, linens, and personal supplies—a total of $810,000.
Fortunately, $150,000 has already been received and spent for their
passports and visas, so only $660,000 remains to cover the costs of
their arrival.
    2. More housing needs to be built this spring. The Vedic Pandits have
figured out how to house an additional 250 Pandits on their two campuses
by tripling Pandits, saying that Maharishi had given them the job of
creating invincibility for America and until more housing is built they
will invite the arriving Pandits to stay with them. Maharishi had told
them  these are war time conditions in America and they could squeeze
more Pandits into each house if necessary until enough housing could be
built for them to be one Pandit per room

Fortunately this is the season for construction in Maharishi Vedic City,
and every $120,000 of additional donations or loans will provide a
comfortable house for 16 Pandits; $1.2 million will provide housing for
160 Vedic Pandits, and $4.8 million will cover the cost of all 640
Pandits who are coming here and who are currently living on the MUM
campus. In this way all 1,050 Vedic Pandits and their cooks will be
living together on one Maharishi Sthapatya Veda campus of 80 acres built
especially for them. Maharishi Sthapatya Veda homes, modularly built in
a factory with non-toxic materials, can be erected very quickly, and
many can arrive in one day. Within three months, if the money is there,
all the Pandits will be together and in the meantime they will be
housing their arriving colleagues in their existing homes.

So what is needed is $660,000 to bring the 450 Vedic Pandits to
Maharishi Vedic City, and $4.8 million in either donations or loans to
build the additional housing. Many people must be interested to invest
in this housing, help create invincibility for America, earn a good
return, and be paid back over 10 years. Since the Howard and Alice
Settle Foundation for an Invincible America covers most of the
Pandits' monthly operating costs, including repaying mortgages, the
loans to build this campus will be comfortably repaid through grants and
donations. The Foundation can by its by-laws contribute to operating
costs of $700 per month per Pandit, but can not contribute to upfront
costs or construction costs.

Please help bring this last group of Vedic Pandits to America by
donating now to either  Global Country of World Peace
<http://shopping.netsuite.com/s.nl/c.451217/it.A/id.9/.f>  or Maharishi
Vedic City.
<https://vediccity.securesites.com/contribute/contribution.cgi>  These
links will provide you with all the information necessary to contribute
on-line, by mail, or by telephone.

And if you or someone you know is interested in lending the funds for
the construction please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  or call 1 312 324 0291.
Since each house for 16 Vedic Pandits costs $120,000, it would be best
if each loan were for at least one house, but of course, 10 houses or
the full 40 houses would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much for creating permanent Invincibility for America.

Jai Guru Dev.

Raja Wynne
Mayor of Maharishi Vedic City

Vedic Pandits in Maharishi Vedic City

Existing Pandit Campus in Maharishi Vedic City

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