My list refined:

Dear Jerry,

Where did the mantras come from? Why the changes?

Was there any international money smuggling going on that you knew
about?  I heard many rumors of suitcases filled with cash.

How did you feel about the time the TMO took away ATR credits?

How do you feel about Maharishi allowing himself to be thus entitled
when he wasn't an official yogi or swami? How do you deal with his
having put a crown upon his own head by this "allowing others to do so?"

Why no hovering or enlightenment for ANY OF US in 5-8 years or 30, 40,
50, 60 years of TM?  How do you feel about the lack of production of
realized folks by the TMO?  Or, if many have realized, why are theY
kept out of sight by the movement or denounced outrightly?

Why were you kicked out?  What was the deal there?  We heard that you
stole money from the movement; we heard other things.  Set us straight
about how a golden boy like you could be dumped, or if you were not
dumped, then give us another verb to use.

How do you feel, now, about how the TMO justified the spying upon
course participants and the keeping of black lists, and the
sucker-punch-blind-siding of hundreds of folks with decisions about
them being made in secret and only revealed after those folks had
plunked down their bucks for teacher training?

How do you feel about the sneaking of folks out of countries when they
got in auto accidents and the like?

Are you comfortable with the TMO letting the immorality of Bev and Heg
go unexamined when tons of women are said to be strewn in their wakes?
 If you were the head of MUM right now, what would you do about all
the rumors and testimonies against these guys?  How would you steer a
course through such muddy waters?  Would you put the movement's public
image first and foremost, or would you air dirty laundry?

Are you comfortable with the glaring facts of Bloomfield's and
Beckely's crimes when they were perpetrated by long time, even highly
successful, role modeling, meditators? How did those folks get any
status at all in the TMO, when, you know, Maharishi had the perceptual
ability of God and could have easily seen them for what they were/are?
 Or, did they fool Maharishi too? Or did Maharishi consult with Guru
Dev and decide that the faithful had to be tested by presenting them
with such bad eggs in our midst?  What?

How do you feel about Maharishi's keeping so many secrets about money,
mantras, and morals?

How do you feel about the MUM murder's handling?  

How many CPs did the TMO have to pay off, shut up, send to a
psychiatrist?  I saw tons of folks who were walking-wounded, jabbering
blubberers, whip-snapping twitchers, etc.

Do you have any inside poop about how the TMO's richest TB, Kaplan,
got so shafted?

How do you square the teaching of siddhis when so many ancients warned
against their use?

Are you still being paid money by the TMO? When was the last time you
got money from the TMO?

Where did all the money go back then?  Did Girish, even in those days,
get a big check regularly?  Who owns all the properties back then?
What was Girish's real status in the deal?

Would you meet with a roomful of EX-True Believers to be questioned?

Are you comfortable with how the TMO could rationalize pushing all of
us deeply into Hinduism when we marketed the program and ourselves
otherwise with our TM promotions? 

Are you comfortable with how the TMO could -- in America -- promote
racism, sexism, chauvinism, classism in its TB ranks but present
itself to the public as non-religious, universal, fair, just --
promising to be harmonious with all creeds and lifestyles with blurbs
like "Eat what mother gives you," but which we secretly knew would
gradually be turned into "eat only veggies if you really want to evolve?"

Do you know who controls the TMO now? Are there three factions as
suspected: B & H, Girish, and Tony's crowd?

Would you come to Fairfield to meet with the disaffected?  (At, say, a
$1000 per diem plus air fare?)

Do you contend that now, after six decades of TM, that you are
enlightened? If not, why? -- if so, can you do anything scientifically
measurable to blast away all doubts finally after all these years? 
How's your health in your advancing age?  If there's troubles, do you
use TMO vedic medicines etc.?  

Do you really think that the TMO is a success or making good headway
these days?  

What do you think of the million dollar course, the crowns, etc.?

Have you been in contact with Maharishi since he dropped the body?  If
so, how do you understand that "miracle?"

> --- In, "yifuxero" <yifuxero@> wrote:
> >
> > received e mail reply from Jerry Jarvis; in regard to the challenge 
> > posed by Edg that I forward his (Edg's) statements/opinions to Jerry.
> > 
> > He says you (Edg) are welcome to talk to him personally about topics 
> > and insinuations as stated previously (basically in regard to what
> > feel was Jerry's "silence" after the MUM people took over).
> > 
> > To Edg. only...e mail me and I'll give you Jerry's telephone number 
> > (since he is offering it to you).
> >

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