CBS 60 Minutes - Revelations from the 2008 Campaign

Anderson Cooper Reports On A New Book -Game Change- by Mark Halperin and
John Heilemann That Reveals New Details From The Obama And McCain
Campaigns - Cooper also interviews McCain campaign manager Steve Schmidt

>From CBS:

        (According to the authors) (i)t turns out Hillary Clinton was so
confident she would become president, that a full year before the
election she had already started planning for her transition into the
White House.

That's in a new book by reporters Mark Halperin and John Heilemann, who
have also brought details to light about the Republican campaign; some
of them directly contradict what Sarah Palin wrote in her book.

In public, Palin looked like the game changer McCain had wanted, but in
private, the authors say she was struggling to learn too much too fast.

"Her foreign policy tutors are literally taking her through, 'This is
World War I, this is World War II, this is the Korean War. This is the
how the Cold War worked.' Steve Schmidt had gone to them and said, 'She
knows nothing,'"

Heilemann told Cooper. "A week later, after the convention was over, she
still didn't really understand why there was a North Korea and a South
Korea. She was still regularly saying that Saddam Hussein had been
behind 9/11. And, literally, the next day her son was about to ship off
to Iraq. And when they asked her who her son was going to fight, she
couldn't explain that."   [ . . . ]

Asked how Palin responded after McCain asked her to be his vice
president, Schmidt said, "She was very calm. Nonplussed. I said, 'You
don't seem nervous at all about this.' And she said, 'No, it's God's

Watch the full interview [13 minutes runtime]:

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