It's interesting in looking at other popular gurus that are teaching Samyama.

Here's the program of Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev.

Prerequisites of  Samyama

1. Inner Engineering Training: one is initiated into the Shambhavi Maha-mudra, an ancient yogic kriya to facilitate inner calm.

2. Initiation into Shunya Meditation ($50): Includes Shakti Chalana Kriya (powerful and purifying breathing techniques utilized to encourage the flow of vital energy into the central energy channel, or sushumna nadi), and Shoonya meditation, an effortless process of conscious non-doing for 15 minutes. Together, these practices stimulate release of physical, mental and emotional blocks and activate spontaneous expression of vital energy. The program is offered as a complete path to inner well-being. A 4 day residential program.

3. Bhava Spandana: "Jumping Beyond Moods", a four-day, three-night residential program to learn to break into higher states of consciousness.

4. 2-3 day residential training in Hatha Yoga. Meant to enhance the kriyas and meditation.

5. Pre-Samyama meeting.


- Daily practice of Hata Yoga/Asanas for a minimum of 40 days prior to Samyama

- Daily practice of Sukha Kriya for a minimum of one hour

- Daily practice of cross-legged posture for a minimum of one hour

• Planning for Samyama:

- The Yoga Center requires that you arrive a minimum of 5 days before the program and stay 3 days after the program. No exceptions will be made!

- All participants must wear either white or orange clothing during Samyama.

• Diet of 50% raw food/50% cooked food is strongly recommended for 40 days before the program.

- Please note that 100% raw food diet is not available at the Yoga Center.

• Discontinued consumption of meat, caffeine (including decaf), nicotine, and alcoholic products for 40 days before the program.

- Eliminating these substances increases your body’s energy and helps prepare you to experience heightened levels of energy available during the program.


• There is a fee of $15 per night for room and board while at the Ashram.

• There is no additional fee for the Samyama Program itself. However, a donation is requested to help defray the considerable expenses to run the program.

Samyama is an eight-day residential program conducted by Sadhguru at the Isha Yoga Center, Coimbatore, India. Samyama meditations provide the experiential possibility to free one from the bonds of karma and purify the body and mind to receive higher levels of energy. This presents the potential for heightened levels of consciousness and deep states of meditation in the presence of a living Master. If you are a seeker with great longing, Samyama is a possibility of true transformation. Never in spiritual history has this been offered to as many people at one time. The Great Masters only did Samyama with a few people. Sadhguru states, “Samyama is a state where your awareness has reached a point where you are fully aware that you are not the body, you are not the mind, and you are not the world.” Of Samyama, a seeker writes, “An experience beyond words. A journey into my truth where dreams were witnessed as dreams and awareness led to surrender. Divine union happened through my breath.”

The Madness of the Mantra
This mad ecstasy
Could break the deepest bonds
Of within and without
When even the body could contain me no more
The cool awareness of the breath
Oh, this breath my bondage and my Mukthi
How deep it goes into me!
Tickles the bond with this body
This blessed breath the cause of life
Is the gateway for life beyond
Taste this breath of life enhancing venom
This same breath I’ve tasted for ages
If this deadly venom can take us to celestial
Isn’t every atom a door to heaven?
Is there a musician to play
For the Dance Unbounded?
- Sadhguru

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