You May Be Experiencing Secular Stagnation 

 Feeling sluggish? Having trouble achieving and maintaining productivity 
growth? Does it feel like your investment in life will never ever go up? You 
may be experiencing secular stagnation.
 Secular Stagnation 

 ..Growth has a tendency to be sluggish and.. has a tendency to decline. And 
that's not a temporary cyclical situation. It's a secular, or longer term, 
situation unless policy intervenes very strongly.

 The secular stagnation, a spiritual malaise of the time..

 Symptoms include: persistently low interest and weak life force. Also, 
mediocre appetite for growth despite huge diets, deficits and cheap credit.  In 
order to keep it moving, we need to make extraordinary steps.
 It may be time to consult a.. Spiritual Discipline!
 "Purity, maintenance of purity, not only of meditation, but of our vision, of 
our thought, of our aspirations, of the influence that we emit around us. 
Always after meditation, morning and evening, be good to others, be kind to 
others, and maintain purity at every level. Don't look if the purity is 
maintained from the other side or not. No, you are responsible to give what you 
have. If someone has mud, he will splash mud on you, and if you have some 
sweets to spread, you splash sweets around him. Be sweet to the people, 
maintain purity of life, and for that be regular in your practice of 
 ---Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, 1965

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