Why does it seem to be necessary to have "at least" the eight
mahaasiddhis for enlightenment? Well, it looks like one can't
become vitRSNa (YS I 16: guNa-vaitRSNyam) or akusiida (YS
IV 29) as to something one has not experienced or "tasted",
can one?

That would be a bit like calling a eunuch a brahmacaarin...??  :D

akusIda or %{akuzIda} mfn. taking no interest or usury , without gain. 

vitRSNa         mf(%{A})n. id. MBh. ; free from desire , not desirous of
(comp.) BhP. ; (%{A}) f. = next BhP. (cf. under %{vi-tRS}) ; %{-tA} f.
%{-tva} n. freedom from desire , satiety Ka1v.

vaitRSNya       n. (fr. %{vi-tRSNa}) quenching of thirst Mn. v , 128 ;
freedom from desire , indifference to (ifc.) MBh. BhP. Yogas. &c. 

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