I've been marveling lately at the perfect symmetry between our 
ongoing cycle of individual soul incarnations, taking place birth 
after birth, and how perfectly this space based cycling fits in each 
time with our time based integration with our family and relatives, 
once we are born. On the one hand we have our souls taking birth 
again and again, cyclically, and one the other hand, every time we 
are (re)born, it feels entirely appropriate. What I mean by that is 
from a genetics and historical perspective, everything falls into 
place; "you have your mother's chin", "she holds her teacup just 
like her great-grandmother did". There is a perfect symmetry between 
being reborn into a new body, and how familiar everything feels once 
we are in our new family, each and every time. 

It just amazes me, especially considering how we can trace our 
lineage backwards several generations, and yet we had absolutely 
nothing to do with those prior generations; they never saw us 
coming. And yet, here we are, fitting in perfectly. And the next 
time we arrive on earth in yet another body, we will probably have 
no relationship with our current family at all. However the family 
we will find ourselves in, that next time, will feel as intimately 
linked, back through the generations, as this one does.

It is simply miraculous how the energy of our souls can match up to 
a perfectly tuned karmic birth into the physical world, time after 
time, in a different family each time, or certainly in a different 
relationship with a family each time. :-)

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