OK, as everyone likely already knows, I'm into watching Japanese animation (anime).
Recently, I started watching The Space Brothers, which turns out to be an excellent, mainstream, adult (as in not meant for 5-year-olds) science fiction story reminiscent of Heinlein's juvenile scifi, which many adults still enjoy reading. The story tracks two brothers from Japan who made a pact when they were kids to become astronauts. The younger brother has already been accepted at NASA and (the story is laid in 2025) will be the first Japanese citizen to set foot on the Moon, when a permanent facility is set up. His older brother was recently fired from his job as an award-winning automative mechanic, and through the machinations of his family, ended up being accepted for testing to become a JAXA (Japanese Aerospace eXploration Agency) astronaut. The series is at episode 85 (I believe the manga is much further along) and the first 20 episodes I have watched have been the trials and tribulations of the older brother's attempts to make it through the preliminary testing in Japan before heading to the US for training at NASA. We occasionally get scenes of his younger brother and fellow astronauts, training to prepare to create the first permanent facility on the Moon. The story-lines converge as the older brother passes (barely) the preliminary testing, and heads to the USA for final evaluation before acceptance at NASA. It's actually a very nice story, and the writer obviously put a lot of thought into themes, characters, background, and extrapolating where NASA and Japan itself, might be in 2025 with respect to space exploration. Worth watching if you like that kind of thing, and don't mind subtitles. I haven't seen a dubbed version, and generally (with a few exceptions) American voice actors and their directors haven't a clue how to do a decent job of dubbing anime.