MJ, this is fair enough. All that was wrong will change with the next 
generation and beyond of meditators and meditation teachers coming. Succession 
is happening. I feel you could be quite happy with the younger teachers on the 
David Lynch Foundation side of the new TM movement since MMY passed away. They 
have a different culture. They are much more honorable than some of our old 
people remaining that you but once knew in TM from before. There is 
'consciousness-raising' and then there is 'conscience-building', they can go 
hand in hand with proper upbringing. Both are happening in the next generation 
of TM now coming. I look forward to a future welcoming you back once again. The 
way of transcendent progress is happening. By the science and taking quiet time 
we all are saying let's give peace a chance, 

 mjackson74 writes:

 I have no problem with TM being taught in the schools IF it were being taught 
openly and honestly. I remind you that I posted here some time ago some of what 
was revealed in the wikileaks documents on the TMO where Raja Badgett Rodgers 
was quoted as saying that the entire reason for having TM in the schools was to 
create more sidhas. Sidhas, not for the benefit of the students, not to improve 
the quality of their lives and all the other crap they claim they are there 
for, but to create sidhas.
 I know that all the people who love TM will say of COURSE it will improve the 
lives of the teens if they did TM Sidhis but that's not the point. The TMO 
wants the students to do TM so they can pitch TM Sidhis to them, to get them to 
BE sidhas and to get that money the sidhis cost, cause there ain't no David 
Lynch subsidies for the TMSP. More sidhas means more potential customers for 
all the other baubles, bangles, gewgaws and nostrums the TMO sells.
 If the TMO would just say "Look, we have a method that we think will be of 
benefit to the world and to the people who do it, and will create world peace 
as well. This is the TM Sidhi program, and to get that you need to have TM 
first. The TM Sidhis requires a few hours a day to practice, but its worth it. 
It costs a lot of money, but its worth it. Just give us this chance and we will 
prove to you that TM and TMSP are grand. The mantras are sounds associated with 
several Hindu goddesses, but you don't have to be a Hindu to use them. Just 
give us a chance and we'll prove to you this works."
 If the TMO advertised it this way, with complete candor and truth and the 
schools said OK and the parents were alright with it, that would be fine by me. 
It is the deceit that I don't like.      

 The Meditating Community: “We are a group of people who have come together and 
created a community for a transcendentally important common purpose, which of 
course is to practice the Transcendental Meditation program and the TM-Sidhi 
program together as a group, for the sake of bringing coherence to national and 
world consciousness based on balancing labor and leisure to meditate while 
working together for the benefit of the community. Our Super-Radiance 
meditating communities includes families of TM-Meditators and TM-Sidhas 

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