Susan Vegors Memorial Celebration
Sunday, October 4th

Susan Vegors

Susan Vegors passed away on Monday, Sept. 21, 2009 in Pocatello, Idaho. She is survived by a loving family of 2 meditators and 2 sidhas.

Susan was one of the first students to earn the Ph.D. in Psychology at Maharishi International University. Studying Vedic Psychology under leading researchers and scholars who had themselves studied for years with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, she understood the significance of developing and studying higher states of consciousness as the most important direction that one could take in one's life. Dr. David Orme-Johnson, then Chairman of the Psychology Department, said that Susan was one of his most brilliant graduate students, successfully taking on technically difficult challenges.

She was a dear and sweet person who lived a life dedicated to Knowledge, to growth of Higher States of Consciousness, to Inner and Outer Abundance and to promoting all good qualities for her friends and family and all those in this world.

Susan practiced the TM and TM-Sidhi program for many years, refining her nervous system and experiencing higher states of consciousness. Even when she was living and working in Indianapolis, she came regularly to Fairfield to enjoy the bliss of the big group programs in the Dome.

Susan was the dynamic founder of the Natural Law Party (NLP) of Idaho who supervised the drive to put NLP on the ballot for the first time and who was the first NLP Candidate for Senate in Idaho. During her campaign for Senate, she gave strong, effective presentations of the NLP platform around the state and also participated in nationally televised debates with all the leading candidates.

Susan was so generous that she supported friends on both the Maharishi Mother Divine and Maharishi Purusha programs. Even when she was having challenging times economically, she would help others. She had a very refined appreciation for Maharishi's programs and their role in bringing individuals to enlightenment and creating Heaven on earth.

We all appreciate Susan's friendship and her sweet contributions to our lives and send her waves of love.

A memorial celebration will be held at the home of Scott and Vicki Alexander Herriott, 1104 Heavenly Lane, Fairfield, next Sunday evening, October 4. A potluck dinner will begin at 7:00 pm followed by a celebration of her life. All her friends are warmly invited.

If you wish to send wishes or flowers to her family, please email her mother, Ann Hope Vegors, at <>, call 1-208-233-0129, or you may send them to: 59 Drake Street, Pocatello, Idaho 83201

Jai Guru Dev

PS Please forward this email to her friends. For those who are not in Fairfield, they may join the Memorial Celebration by sending their telephone number to Vicki Alexander: "Vicki Alexander" <<>>, and then Vicki will call them when the Celebration of :Susan's life starts next Sunday, October 4th.

Victoria Alexander Herriott, J.D., LL.M.
Chair, Department of Business Administration
Maharishi University of Management
Fairfield, IA

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