A few weeks ago, Dr. Taddy Blecher visited his favorite place:
Jefferson County, Iowa.

Voted South Africa's best speaker, Taddy has met with presidents
(like Bill Clinton) of many countries, and inspired a large donation
to his school from finance guru Suze Orman.

A leading business magazine: "Blecher is 35, going on 15. He is
animated and entertaining, and in an interview, is more interested
in helping his interviewer to improve his or her life than talking
about himself.
"Journalists describe Blecher as a grown-up Harry Potter, because he
seems to live an enchanted life.

"Blecher exudes positive energy and childlike innocence, but under
that exterior lies one of the most intelligent minds the world has
ever seen."

Taddy's talk (here condensed) at M.S.A.E....moved many to tears:

South Africa, 1995: Infighting, crime are rampant. The Rand is
falling. The stock market is nowhere. Intelligentsia rent rather
than own -- so they can exit quickly. Everyone talks of emigrating
to Australia, America...

Dr. Taddy Blecher will move to Iowa. Everything's packed. Two
weeks before Taddy's exit, Maharishi calls South Africa, says "no
TMers should leave this nation." Maharishi feels South Africa faces
a real disaster, and needs to form a superradiance group.

That night, sleepless in Soweto, Taddy decides to stay. He joins
two Transcendental Meditation teachers in non-profit "C.I.D.A."
(teaches the T. M. program to the poor).

His parents: "Are you nuts? We spent all this money to get you four
degrees, and you're throwing it away!"

Taddy goes to Alexandra. Twenty people live in one house.
Cardboard shacks. No shoes or adequate clothing.

He visits the shockingly run-down, chaotic schools. One depressed
headmaster learns what TM is, says: "Are you crazy? Nobody in our
school does anything anyway, and you want to institutionalize it!
You want to build it into the timetable that they do nothing. I'm
not doing that in MY school."

This headmaster eventually learns TM an attempt to end
terrible headaches. He loves it, as do his teachers who learn TM

Soon, nine thousand students learn TM. The whole area changes.
Pass rates go up by 25% in the TM schools. (TM is the only new
element.) In control schools (12,000 students) pass rates drop one

Suicides stop completely. (One school had eight recent suicides.)
Vandalism, violence deeply drop.

After the students learn, it is "night and day, the change in this

Alexandra had been highly stressed. The world's most dangerous road
was in Alexandra. No sane people traveled London Road.

To keep himself safe, Taddy bought an outlandishly purple car.

Taddy: "After a few years teaching TM, we drove around the
township. The love, the positivity... London Road completely lost
its reputation. Crime fell over eighty percent. No one knew why.

"South Africa won the All-Africa Games, and put them in Alexandra.
Unthinkable, until there was all this coherence.

"This had been an area even police avoided. Until WE went in.
After we taught TM there for two years, the police felt safe, so
police were everywhere.

"In the beginning -- no police. When you needed them, you could
find none. Two years later, police are everywhere...talking about
how they made the township safe -- they 'brought down crime.' We
were like 'Yeah, sure.'

"We would not make that mistake again. Before we started our city
university, we told the mayor what would happen in his city. Now,
every time we see him, we say, 'we told you so.'

"We taught nine thousand kids. They came out of grade
pumped up. But, unable to afford to go to University, they ended up
not getting good jobs.

"Unemployment is forty percent in South Africa. Apartheid
structured this by taking math out of schools. Millions of blacks
had no math, no science. This 'education' was cruel."

Taddy and four friends decided to create South Africa's first FREE
university. Knowing nothing of how to start a university, they
talked to professors at other universities, who said you need mucho

"Fifty CEOs of companies slammed their doors on us. It was the most
insane idea they had ever heard. We had no books, no computers, no
teachers, no buildings.

"An old saying: 'Just begin to weave, and God will provide the

"You don't have any thread. You just have a desire deep inside your
heart. You have a feeling in every cell of your body: this is what
you have to do. So you just start. Just out of nothing...

"We wrote to 350 schools. After two weeks, we had five students who
wanted to go to this imaginary university that did not exist.

"Soon we had ten, twenty, forty applications. We used my old
company's fax machine (we didn't have our own). Eventually four
thousand students a university which did not exist."

People phoned to ask, "Where IS this university?"

"Phone us in a week, and we'll tell you at which building we will
register your child."

"Because Monitor's logo was on the envelope, some thought Monitor (a
consulting firm) was the university.

"Some days I saw outside guards holding back
forty or more people. Desperate to get in, to take their children
to this university. Security said, 'Go away.' The parents: 'Your
university is so BEAUTIFUL!'"

"This is not a university! It is a consulting firm!"

The parents said, "Please take my child." They just didn't want to

Taddy spent many sleepless nights. "Two weeks before school was to
begin, we got a building downtown. It was terribly dark inside --
awful. On the fifth floor, we found four hundred chairs. So we
invited 350 students.

"At our inauguration, we had no idea what we were doing. We
introduced the students to the five of us, the management. Then we
wanted them to meet the faculty.

"The five of us stepped back, then forward. So they met their
teachers for statistics, math, H.R. management, finance, I.T. We
each taught five subjects, which we didn't really know. Every
night, we sweated until late, learning these subjects to teach the
students the next day.

"By day two, we had lost more students in one day (100) than any
university in history. But the 250 that remained were amazing.

"We talked of consciousness-based education. And why all the other
universities, with such huge buildings, etc. -- didn't matter. This
was the really great university. It didn't matter that we had no
library, computers -- those things are peripheral.

"To teach about computers, we made 250 photocopies of a computer
keyboard. We taught every student to type on a piece of paper. For
three years in a row, we taught students to type on a piece of

"We created things out of nothing. We had no textbooks, so we used
magazines. Using donated financial magazines, we learned
investments, finance, English, stock markets. This was their only
textbook so students really appreciated it.

"There was so much energy in our school, you cannot imagine. The
feeling -- I never felt anything like it. All these students -- no
nothing. No library. All these students coming every day to to
university -- and so happy. Just meditating every day, studying
S.C.I. We did Total Knowledge and Perfect Man."

These kids came from deep rural areas, squatter camps. In every
case, they were the first in their family that had ever been to
university. In South Africa, 97% of adults never go to college.

"This was the chance of a lifetime. Their village depended on
them. We brought one student from every village. We wanted to
bring knowledge back to every village -- consciousness knowledge,
entrepreneurship knowledge...

"There was so much suffering in these villages. But now our
graduates go back to teach their to create businesses,
farm, manage money...

"If you're poor in South Africa, you pay 300% to 600% interest per
year. If you get a one Rand loan, you have to pay six Rand back.
This leads to a lot of woman abuse, child abuse, suicides... So we
sent out this army of people to teach.

"Investec Bank visited us, and could not believe what they saw.
Students singing, holding hands. The place was dark. They decided
to give us their old building -- they had moved out of the city (to
the suburbs). No one wanted to live in this crime-filled, decaying

"We encouraged them to move. We gave bank managers tours of the
wonderful suburbs. We were given four buildings in two years. One
building we didn't need, so we sold it.

"Moving into our Investec building, the students were beside
themselves. It had marble, imported cherry wood. (Three years ago,
I visited M.I.T. I truly felt bad for all these kids at M.I.T.
Where's the marble? Where's the fountains? They don't have what
our students have.)

"We got American companies to donate FIFTEEN MILLION DOLLARS of
books. One thousand copies of every book we wanted -- every finance

"But these weighed many tons. How to get them to South Africa? We
learned South African export ships...return empty. We were allowed
to fill these.

"We now have 300,000 books. Our business library is better than
most universities.

"The five of us teaching was not ideal. How could we get GREAT

"Might South Africa's top accounting firm....VOLUNTEER to teach?
They put an ad in their Pretoria and Johannesburg offices. Within
hours, 250 accountants signed up. Suddenly our accounting faculty
was tops in the country.

"Operations management was taught by another top firm. Strategy was
taught by Monitor. These guys charge $2,000 per hour, but teach at
our university for free.

"We talked to Microsoft, Sun Microsystems, Cisco... We are now the
only university in all of Africa where you can become a S.A.P.

"No universities can afford S.A.P. (It costs 320,000 Rand to become
an S.A.P. professional.) We are the only university that can afford
S.A.P., because we get it free.

"Five years later, we have five buildings. Another six buildings
were donated, but we gave them back. We have 1400 computers.

"We now have a foundation college, where students come and live.
All the college's tutors are our graduates.

"At our first graduation, we had a thousand parents and family
members. Our students had taught 500,000 people around South Africa
how to build businesses, etc. -- now they were graduating.

"Most parents/grandparents knew no English. They held our hands and
cried. Their children now worked at Big-Three automakers, big
banks, etc., earning huge salaries.

"These parents earn maybe 300 Rand a month. Their child now earned
12,000 a month. We calculated: For every Rand that goes to our
education, 200 Rand goes to poor South Africans.

"These kids came in unemployed. Nobody believed in them. They were
down and out. We gave them this education, and they became
enlightened, bright citizens with wonderful jobs.

"A Big-Three automaker gave four students a shot at a one-year
contract. If they didn't do well, they would be out. After a year,
the firm gave all four...full-time jobs, permanent contracts. Three
got company cars.

"We didn't teach auditing, but one student joined the automaker's
auditing department. He got promoted three levels.

"In their first year in jobs, these students earned four times the
entire cost of their four-year education. Over the forty years of
their working lives, they will earn two hundred times what it cost
to educate them.

"Our first graduation was so touching -- I almost cried. I saw a
thousand faces of parents whose lives were changed by our
education. Their whole villages were changed.

"In the middle of graduation, the students couldn't contain
themselves anymore; they all got up to sing. We danced and sang for
fifteen minutes in the middle of graduation -- on prime time TV.
This had never happened at a South Africa graduation.

"'Last year we miraculously got our full accreditation. You have no
idea how hard it was. Especially for people who knew nothing about
running a university. We just made it up as we went along. We came
up with two hundred new ideas as we went along.

"Now everyone loves our ideas: students running the whole campus;
the ways we teach; the ways we use technology. We've got
educational innovations, financing innovations, access

"We won the award for the most innovative organization in the whole
country. A huge, prestigious award. Seven hundred companies
compete every year: giant telecoms, cell phone companies, I.T.
companies. It has never NOT been won by an I.T. company. We were
the first.

"Nelson Mandela heard of this, so we got to see him again. He
absolutely loves what we are doing. He was so excited. We won
multiple other awards.

"Six years ago, South Africa had 1200 higher-education
institutions. After they introduced the new accreditation process,
800 universities closed. Only 400 continued. Of these, only ninety
got accredited. Only five got accredited for undergraduate business
degree -- we were one of them.

"To get accredited took four long years, slaving away, eighteen
hours a day, seven days a week. Now our university is a household
name in South Africa, especially in poor areas.

"This is South Africa's only free university. The government does
not understand how we have done it. No one understands how we have
done it.

"Our kids are doing brilliantly. Many visitors come in, spend time
with our students, and start crying. They can't believe it.

"All our 1350 kids have learned TM. Hundreds are sidhas. Every day
we have a powerful group program. You feel it when you enter the

"It's not been easy. We are in downtown Johannesburg -- not ideal.
Anyone and everyone comes to tell us: they like TM, they don't like
TM. They like this, they don't like that. Donors have pulled out.
Donors have come back in.

"This is what it's like to do Maharishi's work. It's not easy.
Nobody shakes your hand every day. Donors threaten to pull out.
But you keep on, and keep on. And keep on.

"Really this just arose from the mud. Our students come from
nothing. If you meet them, you can't imagine that they have
achieved what they achieved.

"When they come in, English is their fourth or fifth language.
They're so shy. They know no one.

"They have heard their whole lives they are nobody. So we get them
into every competition we can think of. Every day we tell
them: 'Man is made in the image of God. You are the greatest people
that ever walked the earth.'

"We had some $10 bikes donated. In big races, people ride $1,000 or
$10,000 bikes. One of our students got a map and a light...and
(without our knowledge) bicycled 300 miles to compete in a race.

"He got lost, and was exhausted when the 100 kilometer race
STARTED. He finished in the top ten, of seven thousand
competitors. With a $10 bike. He had no money for lodging, so he
immediately bicycled, day and night -- his big trophy tucked in his
shirt -- the 300 miles home.

"In 2004, a Microsoft competition sought the top person on earth in
Microsoft Word and Excel. Forty-seven of our students competed in
this, against thousands of top students from other South African

"Our students scored highest in the whole country, in both Word and
Excel. These students had never touched a computer. They had
learned only on a piece of paper. Microsoft flew them to France,
where a little girl of ours came in third in all of Europe.

"The Dalai Lama visited us. We put a thousand students in front of
him, sidhas in front. He was to stay forty minutes. After ten
minutes he told his helpers, 'Cancel my other appointments. I am
not leaving.'

"He stayed three hours. At the end he held my arm and said, 'These
students are so BRIGHT.'

"He had never seen children like this. We told him about TM and
Maharishi's programs. He said this was his favorite thing in South

"Now the Dalai Lama himself personally sponsors a student to come to
CIDA. The Dalai Lama told us a black friend...had said 'black
people can never be as intelligent as whites.' He had come to know
that, and given up trying."

The Dalai Lama said, "You are absolutely wrong." To prove it, the
Dalai Lama is sponsoring this man's son to go to CIDA. The Dalai
Lama insisted on paying the full fees for this boy.

2003: Taddy got a call: "Oprah is coming to visit you."
Taddy: "Oprah who?"

"Oprah Winfrey came with a entourage. We put her upstairs with ten
young sidhas. After an hour, I walked in. Oprah was shining,
excited. She had never heard young people talk like this. She kept
saying, 'But how could you know that?'

"They told her: 'We all do Transcendental Meditation.' Oprah: 'TM?
That is so fantastic.' From that moment on, that's all Oprah spoke
about. She loves TM.

"She talked to giant groups of students. All she talked about was
how she meditates every day. We don't know if she does TM. She
went on and on about meditation.

"She wanted to fund us because we have meditation. She gave us $1.3
million to build a ladies residence.

"2004: Oprah turned fifty. Her staff said her favorite thing in the
last few years was our little university. Her staff's birthday
present: checks for $4,000 and $10,000, to sponsor students in
Oprah's name to come to our university.

"We don't have fighting in South Africa anymore. It's gone.

"All these people emigrating -- they are all coming back. Our stock
exchange is at an all-time high. The Rand has doubled in strength.
An unprecedented number of businesses are starting. Business
confidence is at an all-time high. People are so positive and they
don't know why.

"In a newspaper article, a Parliament minister challenged the
police: 'I don't believe you have reduced crime by 70%. I know
crime has fallen, but you have not done anything different as a
police force. There must be something else going on.'

"One of our buildings was valued at half a million Rand three years
ago. We just sold it for 6.3 million Rand.

"Occupancy rates have increased. They were decreasing for twelve

"CIDA students were chosen to judge the African version of 'The
Apprentice' TV show.

"The government of one province volunteered to donate land to CIDA,
so desperate are they to educate their youth.

"Will this model work in America? I don't know. But we could find
something. Certainly it's possible. We just have to desire it
enough, and it will come.

"Don't fear failure. If anyone has had failure, it is us. We made
so many mistakes. So many things went wrong. But all the time we
just have this invincible support of natural law.

"Every day you just have to be in the Self. Just tap into what
Nature's telling you, and what ideas come up. Because every day
there are ideas.

"Every time our backs were against the wall -- which was often -- we
just went inwards. Eureka! An idea comes.

"That's what you can do as well. That's really how you do it. It's
very simple."

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