I seem to recall my TM teacher telling us, that
TM won't affect ones basic character in any way.
He then added that we won't become "cool as
a cucumber", and continued that we might even
become more sensitive, but (to paraphrase)
"our selfs would be gradually disconnected from
that sensitivity" (couldn't formulate it better
than that...)

Is that perhapst based on the fact(?) that (even)
sattva and puruSa are "atyantaasaMkiirNa" 
(ati+anta - a_saMkiirNa), that is, according
to Taimni's translation of YS III 36, "absolutely

ati     is often prefixed to nouns and adjectives , and rarely to verbs ,
in the sense excessive , extraordinary , intense ; excessively , too ;
exceedingly , very ; in such compounds the accent is generally on %{a4ti}.

anta    m. end , limit , boundary , term ; end of a texture ; end ,
conclusion ; end of life , death , destruction (in these latter senses
some times neut.) ; a final syllable , termination ; last word of a
compound ; pause , settlement , definite ascertainment , certainty ;
whole amount ; border , outskirt (e.g. %{grAmA7nte} , in the outskirts
of the village) ; nearness , proximity , presence ; inner part ,
inside ; condition , nature ; (%{e}) loc. c. in the end , at last ; in
the inside ; (%{am}) ind. as far as (ifc. e.g. %{udakA7ntam} , as far
as the water) ; (mfn.) , near , handsome , agreeable L. [cf. Goth.
{andeis} , Theme {andja} ; Germ. {Ende} ; Eng. {end}: with %{anta} are
also compared the Gk. $ , $ ; Lat. {ante} ; the Goth. {anda} in
&13046[42 ,3] {anda-vaurd} , &c. ; and the Germ. {ent} e.g. in

atyanta         mfn. beyond the proper end or limit ; excessive , very great
, very strong ; endless , unbroken , perpetual ; absolute , perfect ;
(%{am}) ind. excessively , exceedingly , in perpetuity , ***absolutely
, completely*** ; to the end ; (%{Aya}) dat. ind. for ever ,
perpetually Pat. ; quite Pat.

saMkIrNa        mfn. poured together , mixed , commingled &c. ; crowded with
, full of (comp.) MBh. ; joined or combined with (comp.) Ya1jn5. Sch.
; mingled , confused , disordered , adulterated , polluted , impure
Mn. MBh. &c. ; born of a mixed marriage MBh. ; mixed , miscellaneous ,
of various kinds , manifold Bhar. Das3ar. ; sprinkled (esp. with
fluid-exudation , as a rutting elephant ; but cf. %{-nAga}) L. ;
contracted , narrow W. ; scattered , strewed , spread , diffused ib. ;
m. a man of mixed caste Bhar. ; (in music) a mixed note or mode ; =
%{-nAga} L. ; N. of an ancient sage (v.l. %{saM-kIla}) L. ; (%{A}) f.
a kind of riddle (of a mixed character) Ka1vya7d. iii , 105 ; (%{am})
n. confusion (in %{vAkya-s-} q.v.) ; %{-cArin} mfn. wandering about
confusedly , going to various places Sus3r. ; %{-jAti} mfn. (=
%{yoni}) Cat. ; %{-tA} f. confusion , confused order (of words in a
sentence) Sa1h. ; %{-nAga} m. an elephant with mixed characteristics
VarBr2S. ; %{-neri} m. a kind of dance , Sam2gi1t ; %{-yuddha} n. a
fight with various weapons MBh. ; %{-yoni} mfn. of mixed birth or
caste , impure through illegal intermarriage Mn. x , 25 ;
%{-rAgA7dhyAya} m. N. of wk. on music ; %{-viSkambhaka} m. (in dram.)
a mixed interlude Bhar. ; %{-NA7na} (?) m. N. of a serpent-demon VP. ;
%{-NI-karaNa} n. = %{saMkarI-k-} L. 

asaMkIrna       mfn. unmixed ; not unclean Sus3r. 

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