Today POLITICO has a lengthly article out about the lack of success by
teabagger candidates. Basically, it's three long pages of wondering why,
oh why:

  ... success at the ballot box has been elusive for these grass-roots
conservative activists — if not entirely nonexistent.

Speculation abounds as to why teabagger candidates have been complete
failures around the country:

* Some observers raise the question of whether the tea party crowd is
cut out to achieve electoral success — or whether it is more influential as a 
more radical, guerrilla movement.

* The main reason seems to be a predictable growing pain of any new
political movement. While tea party partisans have proved effective in
organizing rallies and protests, they have yet to show they possess the 
bread-and-butter on-the-ground campaign skills it takes to win races ...

* Then there is the question of fundraising ...

* But the tea party electoral losses are also indicative of a broader
challenge: Tea party leaders must find a way to define its platform and 
communicate to mainstream voters just what it stands for.

* As they seek to dislodge establishment Republican candidates in
primaries across the country, tea party-inspired contenders are facing
yet another challenge: fractured fields of like-minded, grass-roots
conservative hopefuls that result in a splitting of the tea party vote.

... but the most obvious explanation isn't explored. That the teabagger 
"movement" is nothing but a collection of right-wing extremists who were 
initially given a platform by Fox News and that the rest of the sheep-like 
traditional media ran with.

The traditional media was happy to ignore the hundreds of thousands who 
protested against the Iraq War or for immigration reform, but a few thousand 
lunatics, that the Republican Party gleefully leeched onto, screamed at town 
hall meetings and suddenly, a movement was born? Pfft.

POLITICO article:


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