It's simple, it's cheap, and it would both improve the 
political process and bring dignity to it.

Nose glasses. You know...the kind with big, thick, black 
frames and with a big, bushy mustache under the bridge. 

Simply require that any candidate for public office 
wear nose glasses full-time until the election is over.
In every photo, nose glasses. At every speaking engage-
ment, nose glasses. On every poster and ad, nose glasses.
In every debate, every candidate is wearing nose glasses.
I think it would fix almost everything that is currently
wrong with politics. 


Well, have you ever tried to get someone to take you
seriously while you were wearing nose glasses? You're
up there ranting away a mile a minute, trying to get
everyone to CARE about what you're ranting about enough
to vote for you, and you look out at the audience and
they're all laughing at you because you're doing all 
this and trying to be all serious *while wearing nose 
glasses*. Who can possibly take someone seriously who
is wearing nose glasses?

And if you really ARE a cool candidate, someone who 
actually is evolved enough and smart enough to deserve 
to win, when this happens and you find everyone laughing 
at you, you'll start to laugh at yourself. And that will 
be the thing that the voters will be looking for, and 
that will tell them who to vote for.

[ The preceding is a paid political message brought to
you by There's One Reborn Every Minute, Inc., provider
of fine nose glasses and fine politics since 1967. ]

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