Muhammad established his authority through intrigue, 
manoeuvring, assassinations, wars. 

There is clear historical evidence that Muhammad established 
his authority through intrigue, manoeuvring, assassinations, 
wars, and made monetary gain through caravan raids, mainly 
on the Jewish traders. When Muhammad was successful in 
battle (Nakhla and Badr) we have strong evidence that he was 
far from the kind and considerate Saladin figure portrayed 
by Professor Casey.  

For example, Abu Jahl, Muhammad's 'enemy' from Mecca, was 
executed and his head given to Muhammad!  Many Arabian poets 
who rejected Islam wrote verses mocking Muhammad and a 
female poet, Asthma bint Marwan, and two males, Abu Afak and 
Kab, were killed for writing disrespectful verses.  Terror 
was an effective weapon used by Muhammad and caused many 
people to become loyal - the alternative was death.  

There are many examples of Muhammad's cruelty.  Those whose 
cities and lands he invaded were tortured to reveal their 
hidden treasures, and tribesmen to whom he feigned 
hospitality were robbed and then vilely killed  (by cutting 
off their hands and feet so they bled to death slowly).  
Kihouna, the Jewish chief at Khaybar, was tortured by 
Muhammad in order to reveal the whereabouts of his gold and, 
when he was dead, Muhammad married his 19 year old widow, 
Safiya, on the same day.  

The Jewish Beni Quraiza tribe were decimated, all the men 
being slain (~800) and their wives and children sold as 
slaves.  The Muslim soldiers responsible received large 
amounts of booty but Muhammad took a fifth for himself!  

The Koran (Sura 33:25) praises God for the killings because 
they caused Muhammad to be feared. This kind of murder and 
intrigue, feigning peace treaties which they renége on, is 
typical of today's Muslim ruler, and Israel is right to 
trust Yasser Arafat and Saddam Hussein as far as they could 
throw them! How ironic that the West was dull enough to 
award a Peace Prize to a man (Arafat) whose organisation had 
been responsible for more assassinations and terrorism than 
any other Islamic terrorist group - until Tuesday, 11th 

Muhammad convinced  his gullible followers that those who 
proved willing to assassinate his enemies would go straight 
to Paradise through the promise of the 'Seven Rewards,' in 
which the suicide killer gets rewards which include passage 
straight into heaven to enjoy the pleasures of 72 virgins, 
and all his sins and the sins of 72 of his family members 
who join him in heaven are fully forgiven!   

The Muhammad of the Muslim psyche is presented as kind, 
charitable to the poor, loving towards children and an 
excellent husband to his 11 wives.  Zaid, Muhammad's adopted 
son, carried out a raid on a Median caravan after an 
assassination attempt on their 'prophet' failed.  Noteworthy 
of the cruelty was the barbaric murder of a middle-aged 
woman named Um Kirfa, and her daughter and two sons - they 
tied her legs to camels and pulled her to pieces. This act 
earned Muhammad's praise!

Perhaps the most gruesome hadith is the following. A woman 
came to the prophet and asked for purification (by being 
punished for her sin). He told her to go away and seek God’s 
forgiveness. She persisted four times and admitted that she 
was pregnant as a result of fornication. He told her to wait 
until she had given birth. Then he said that the Muslim 
community should wait until she had weaned her child. When 
the day arrived for the child to take solid food, Muhammad 
handed the child over to the community and ordered the 
woman's death by stoning.

And when he had given command over her and she was put in a 
hole up to her breast, he ordered the people to stone her. 
Khalid b. al-Walid came forward with a stone which he threw 
at her head, and when the blood spurted on his face he 
cursed her ... (Muslim, no. 4206)

It is true that Muhammad told Khalid to be gentler, but how 
gentle does one have to be when one throws a rock at a woman 
buried up to her breasts? Is the rock required to go only 30 
miles per hour or 40? Perhaps Muhammad was ordering Khalid 
not to curse her. In any case, the prophet prayed over her 
dead body and then buried her. Truthfully, how effective was 
the prayer when Muhammad and his community murdered her in 
cold blood? 

Muhammad in his Quran permits husbands to beat their wives.

4:34 Husbands should take full care of their wives, with 
(the bounties) God has given to some more than others and 
with what they spend out of their own money. Righteous wives 
are devout and guard what God would have them guard in the 
husbands’ absence. If you fear high-handedness from your 
wives, remind them (of the teaching of God), then ignore 
them when you go to bed, then hit them. If they obey you, 
you have no right to act against them. God is most high and 
great. (Haleem)

Written in the historical context of the Battle of Uhud 
(March 625), in which Islam lost 70 holy warriors, this 
verse belongs to a larger collection of verses that outlines 
laws for the family, such as how to divide the inheritance 
and to how to oversee the assets of orphans (vv. 1-35).

Plainly said, Sura 4:34 specifies that husbands may beat 
their unruly wives if the husbands "fear" highhandedness, 
quite apart from whether the wives are actually being 
highhanded. This puts the interpretation of the wives 
behavior squarely in the husband's judgment, and this swings 
the door to abuse wide open. This verse embodies a gigantic 
cultural and social step backwards and should be rejected by 
all fair-minded and reasonable people.

The hadith says that Muslim women in the time of Muhammad 
were suffering from domestic violence in the context of 
confusing marriage laws:

Bukhari reports this incident about the wives in the early 
Muslim community in the context of marital confusion and an 
odd remarriage law:

Rifa'a divorced his wife whereupon 'AbdurRahman bin 
Az-Zubair Al-Qurazi married her. 'Aisha said that the lady 
(came), wearing a green veil (and complained to her (Aisha) 
of her husband and showed her a green spot on her skin 
caused by beating). It was the habit of ladies to support 
each other, so when Allah's Apostle came, 'Aisha said, "I 
have not seen any woman suffering as much as the believing 
women. Look! Her skin is greener than her clothes!" 
(Bukhari, emphasis added)

This hadith shows Muhammad hitting his girl-bride, Aisha 
daughter of Abu Bakr, his right-hand Companion:

"He (Muhammad) struck me (Aisha) on the chest which caused 
me pain." (Muslim no. 2127)

Muhammad aggressively attacks Meccan caravans.

A year or so after Muhammad's Hijrah from Mecca to Medina in 
622, he attacks Meccan caravans six times, and sent out a 
punitive expedition three-days away against an Arab tribe 
that stole some Medinan grazing camels (or cattle), totaling 
seven raids.

W. Montgomery Watt, a highly reputable Western Islamologist 
who writes in favor of Muhammad and whose two-volume history 
of early Islam (Muhammad at Mecca (1953) and Muhammad at 
Medina (1956)) has won wide acceptance, tells us why 
geography matters:

The chief point to notice is that the Muslims took the 
offensive. With one exception the seven expeditions were 
directed against Meccan caravans. The geographical situation 
lent itself to this. Caravans from Mecca to Syria had to 
pass between Medina and the coast. Even if they kept as 
close to the Red Sea as possible, they had to pass within 
about eighty miles of Medina, and, while at this distance 
from the enemy base, would be twice as far from their own 
base. (Muhammad at Medina)

It must be emphatically stated that the Meccans never sent a 
force up to the doorstep of Medina at this time -- they did 
later on when they were fed up with Muhammad's aggressions. 
It is true that the Meccans gathered forces to protect their 
caravans, but when Muhammad confronted them, they were many 
days' journeys away from Medina, often more than eighty 
miles. (Medina and Mecca are around 200-250 miles from each 
other, taking seven to eleven days of travel by foot, horse, 
or camel.)

Hence, two Muslim scholar-apologists are misleading when 
they assert that the caravans "passed through" Medina, 
adding that the Muslims haphazardly sought for whatever 
spoils they could get, whereas the Meccans mobilized for war 
(Isma'il R. al-Faruqi and Lois Lamya'al Faruqi, The Cultural 
Atlas of Islam, New York: Macmillan, 1986, 134). Rather, it 
is more accurate to say that the Muslims were aggressively 
harassing the Meccans.

To complete the picture of expeditions, raids and wars in 
Muhammad's life from 622 to 632, Watt totals up the number 
that Muhammad either sent out or went out on: seventy-four 
(Muhammad at Medina, pp. 2; 339-43). They range from 
negotiations (only a few compared to the violent 
expeditions), to small assassination hit squads, to the 
conquest of Mecca with 10,000 jihadists, and to the 
confrontation of Byzantine Christians (who never showed up), 
with 30,000 holy warriors to Tabuk.

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