[NOTE: Very intense video report.]

Maddow and Franklin Schaeffer on threat posed by right-wing extremism 

- Rachel shows examples of extreme hate from prominent right wingers and 
corporate shills from right wing corporate fronts -

- Then Franklin Schaeffer, the author of 'Crazy For God' and a man who knows 
whereof he speaks when it comes to the great white underbelly of the American 
Right, really laid it out last night on Rachel Maddow's show:

Schaeffer: The far right knows they have lost, they've lost the hearts and 
minds of most American people, for instance, who want health care. But they 
also know that they have a large group of people who are not well-informed, who 
listen to only their own sources, who buy the lies -- for instance, all this 
nonsense about euthanasia being mandatory, and all the rest of it. And these 
people can be energized to go out and do really dreadful things.

And we've seen it in front of abortion clinics, I'm afraid we're going to see 
it with some of our political leaders. And the Glenn Becks of this world 
literally are responsible for unleashing what I regard as an anti-democratic, 
anti-American movement in this country... 

Watch the whole segment: http://www.dailykostv.com/w/002034/

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