"By now you've probably heard that one of the most egregious attacks on women's 
health was perpetrated last night.  The infamous Stupid Stupak amendment passed 
with the help of a reported 63 Democrats.  This amendment extends the 
exclusions of the Hyde amendment restrictions on women's reproductive needs to 
any health plan that receives federal subsidies, credits, or has any other 
financial connection to federal tax dollars.  This will mean virtually every 
healthcare plan available now, reaching it's offensive tentacles of deprivation 
further than ever.  Women who currently have this coverage will have it 
terminated because of the new law.

Once passage of that heinous amendment was achieved, the full bill was assured 
and the House is celebrating it's "Historic" accomplishment. Here is the roll 
call vote tally and President Obama is confident we'll get more of the same 
from the Senate.  Whatdya expect after that rousing "pep rally?"  But, not to 
worry.  We wimmens will be able to get some good old fashioned faith healing 
prayers once the Senate gets through with their version.

And for the record, Sarah Palin can kiss my backside too.

As our illustrious commenter RalphB observed:

    They made history. This is probably the first time a legislature has thrown 
more than half the population of their country under the bus all at once.

And the ever brilliant Wonk the Vote opined:

    Women are openly being treated like second-class, subhuman citizens in this 
healthcare "overhaul" effort,"


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