The Spirituality of Barack Obama
New information from Kwan Yin

by Craig Howell

In the world today, another election in the USA would just be another election, 
except for the fact that this time there seemed to be a shift, an opening, one 
that could have the potential to affect all people of the world in a positive 
way. And so I bring you information from Kwan Yin about the black man who 
became the next president of the United States. 

"Souls come back to assist mankind in difficult times" and when the time is 
right and we are ready, there come men (and women) destined for greatness; 
souls who's heart and purpose are one. They come not for their own power and 
aggrandizement, but to be a wayshower and a healer. Obama is one of these.

According to Kwan Yin he is of the Violet Ray (freedom), but he also has "the 
Ray of Wisdom wide open at the crown" and when you combine the two, you have 
"quite a bit of power". Yet his presence would also bring forth the latent 
prejudices as well as feelings of separation, showing that there is a 
willingness to change, but that prejudice still exists. "The emotional body of 
all people are ready open themselves in a new way".

"He has been many beings coming back over and over, but not just in this 
Universe, so he is a universal being and the Ascended Masters ARE assisting 
him. He is an intelligent and vibrant soul...a very loving source for shift and 

And will he be able to start bringing in the alternative energy? "Absolutely. 
He will pull forward people that have been in the background a long time who 
have been wishing for a major shift. They want to use this where it has not 
been used and in places that have a lot of open, empty space, using the 
planetary forces in a way that sustains life rather than using the planet as a 

Once he gets down to business, Kwan Yin says that we will see who he really is 
and that there will be "some magic happening" in regard to our governments' 
involvement in the world and with human rights.

And what of the exiting president Bush who was elected under the astrological 
configuration of those who do not live through their time in office? Has he 
escaped this? "Underneath it all, he has not escaped anything. His mental body 
is destroyed, his emotional body is in upheaval and his physical body will have 
difficulty functioning. There is a lot of medication this man is taking. He is 
being sustained by the need for the human to have a pivotal point in their life 
in order to change". What she means is that, in a strange way, he is here for 
our soul growth and that he actually is just a shadow of his real self, so he 
is not really present at all by the end of his term.

Some people have commented on the parallels of Obama as Lincoln, both 
figuratively and literally. For starters, he hails from Illinois, doing a lot 
of work in Springfield. Wouldn't it be befitting for a man who freed the slaves 
to return as a black man and return at a time when the nation is just as 
divided as it was then and in need of healing and unity. Something to think 
about. By the way, Lincoln was an Aquarius and Obama is a Leo. They are 
opposite polarities with same amount of attention to the future, determination, 
and focus of energy. Here is a great photoshopped mash-up of Obama and Lincoln .

Let freedom ring. 


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