Madam Speaker, Vice President Biden, members of Congress, distinguished guests, 
and fellow Americans:

Our Constitution declares that from time to time, the President shall give to 
Congress information about the state of our union. For 220 years, our leaders 
have fulfilled this duty. They've done so during periods of prosperity and 
tranquility. And they've done so in the midst of war and depression; at moments 
of great strife and great struggle.

It's tempting to look back on these moments and assume that our progress was 
inevitable -- that America was always destined to succeed. But when the Union 
was turned back at Bull Run, and the Allies first landed at Omaha Beach, 
victory was very much in doubt. When the market crashed on Black Tuesday, and 
civil rights marchers were beaten on Bloody Sunday, the future was anything but 
certain. These were the times that tested the courage of our convictions, and 
the strength of our union. And despite all our divisions and disagreements, our 
hesitations and our fears, America prevailed because we chose to move forward 
as one nation, as one people.

Since the 1960's the number students and adults regularly transcending their 
discrete individualities and differences and tapping that vast source of 
creativity and intelligence within us all, we have seen a remarkable 
transformation of America and indeed the whole world. Now, with over 26% of the 
US and a growing 16% of the world population daily "watering the root" of 
growth and prosperity we have  seen what past ages may have called a miracle -- 
but in the modern age we simply say humanity is tapping into their own innate 
inner resources -- and science has validated the value of this in vast and 
varied ways. 

Since the 60's we have seen health care costs decline from 14% of GNP to .5% -- 
and thats mostly for preventive medicine and health education. Regular 
transcending by our great society has changed so many things that affect 
health: the airs and water have turned from mucky brown to pure and pristine; 
our food supply is 100% organic, most citizens get abundant exercise now that 
the work week has been cut to 6 hours, 4 days a week -- while the economy has 
zoomed. Deep rest from transcending wards off diseases -- and heals the start 
of disease should it arise -- at its inception before it manifests in any 
discernable way. Citizens know the functioning of the body and whats good, and 
whats bad for it at a deep and profound level. Stress, the harbinger of many if 
not most diseases in the first half of the 20th century is virtually 

Internationally, we have deep and cordial relations with every country on this 
globe -- and we have supported them and they have supported us in our trials 
and tribulations as we all together have rid the earth of war, violence and 
disease. Our defense budget is now 100% educationally focussed as we continue 
to help the world community build networked hubs of schools, libraries, 
research, and continuing education centers for every 1000 population throughout 
the world.   

As the economy has thrived, particularly through the huge surge of creativity 
in our scientific, engineering and arts communities, we literally do far less, 
with much less, to produce an ecologically balanced corpoconia of material 
wealth. That is, we use less energy, less resources, less time, less labor and 
less capital to produce more  than enough healthy food, beautiful homes, fast, 
safe and mostly free transportation from and to almost anywhere, and free 
life-long education to every man, woman and child. Our arts are thriving like 
never before and on a warm summers' eve you can almost hear the collective, 
"ahhh" of global vigor and satisfaction. Or should I say "Ah Ha". 

 And our tastes have certainly grown, evolved, and are in a constant process of 
ever refinement. No longer driven by triviality to find fulfillment, we seem, 
as a nation, to seek that which supports a good life, a life in freedom, a life 
of creativity, intellectual exploration and love-infused cooperative social 
networks in all areas of life. 

And importantly, the huge waste of funds on past militarism, fighting disease, 
locking up our citizens who got off on the wrong track. These savings have 
funded the vast technological and knowledge based heaven on earth we have all 
come to enjoy and thrive within.

At this juncture, I want to give special thanks to cabinet secretary Jarvis, 
head of our Department of Peace, Progress and Prosperity for his essential and 
core efforts in catalyzing this transformation.  For it is only 45 years ago 
that he and a few students at UCLA started SIMS and from there -- it just took 
off. My hat, all of our hats are off, celebrating his steady hand in guiding 
the transformation here in America -- and his international efforts to spread 
this fundamental birthright of all humanity to all citizens of the world. And 
the deepest thanks is to the forefathers through out the globe who have 
maintained this wisdom from its ancient roots.     

Short is sweet and with peace, progress and prosperity on all fronts, there is 
not much form me to do or say. Its all just unfolding. Keep up the good work, 
keep diving deep within, and God Bless America. Thank you.   

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