OK, since this issue has reared it ugly penishead again, I 
thought I'd spend a few moments in this cafe pondering it.

It's always a touchy subject, and I have seen both sides 
of it, or at least two approaches to it. In the TMO, I was
part of a movement that was so hung up about sex that it
literally kicked TM teachers who lived "out of wedlock" 
out of the organization. And the prevailing myth, of course,
was that Maharishi was a "life celibate," and never fooled
around, and that to even suggest otherwise was grounds for
getting kicked out yourself. 

In the Rama trip things were...uh...different. NOT better
IMO, just different. He was single, he saw nothing wrong
with sex for either himself or his students, and he openly
had sex with his female students. Lots of them.

In retrospect I think the latter approach is more honest 
*in theory* because it reduces the temptation in spiritual 
teachers -- who, after all, are human -- to feel that they 
have to LIE about their lifestyles. 

However, the Rama approach is in itself problematic. What
do you do if you're a serious female seeker of enlightenment 
and the teacher you feel embodies enlightenment hits on you?
What do you do if you're a serious male seeker of enlight-
enment and the teacher you feel embodies enlightenment hits
on your girlfriend, or wife? I can guarantee that this
happened -- and with some frequency -- with Rama. He had no
scruples whatsoever with regard to "committed relationships"
or honoring them in any way. I can also guarantee that some
of the women students he slept with got pregnant as a result,
and that he not only told them to go get abortions, he made
them do it by themselves. I know this because I was the 
friend that a couple of these women called upon to go with 
them to the clinic.

So in retrospect I think that being open about having sex 
with your students is better in theory than it is in practice. 
I've seen far too many "walking wounded" damaged by this 
approach to believe that it works out in reality. Me, if I
were ever silly enough to teach meditation or any other form
of spirituality again, I would not touch any of my students 
with a ten-foot pole, much less my own. Never.

I suspect the bottom line has to do with the teacher's actual
level of self acceptance, not Self Realization. If you pose
as celibate but aren't, that means that you're *lying to your
self* as much as you are to your students. If you pose as
celibate and "slip," ferchrissakes have the decency, honesty,
and self-respect to 'fess up to it and tell your students 
that you "slipped." If you are married, be honest about 
being married. If you are married and fool around on the 
side, be honest about that. 


Just my opinion...

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